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'informatie uitwisselen'

'échanger des informations' 

'to exchange information with sb/sth'

NP ___ (MAN)


NP ___ met NP v over NP (MAN)


>>> spreken

NP ___ (MAN)

NP ___ avec/entre NP
v sur NP (MAN)

NP ___ pour NP

NP ___ (MAN)

NP ___ with/between NP
v about/on NP (MAN)

>>> speak


'iemand over iets informeren; meedelen'

'informer quelqu'un de quelque chose; annoncer'

'to inform sb about sth; announce

NP ___ NP (aan NP)

NP ___ over NP met NP

>>> informeren / meedelen  

NP ___ wh Pfin

NP ___ NP (à NP)

NP ___ sur NP (avec NP)

>>> annoncer 

>>> annoncer

NP ___ NP (to NP) (MAN)

>>> 1.

NP ___ (MAN) (to NP) that Pfin 

NP ___ (to NP) wh Pfin


'in staat zijn gevoelens en ideeën uit te wisselen (en elkaar daardoor goed aanvoelen, begrijpen, …)'

'être capable de se faire comprendre mutuellement, de s'entendre'

'to be able to make one’s ideas or feelings clear to one another (and to get along as a result)'

NP ___ (MAN)

NP ___ (MAN) met NP


NP ___

NP ___ (MAN) avec NP

NP ___

NP ___ (MAN) with NP


'elektronische gegevens uitwisselen'

'échanger des données électroniques'

'to exchange electronic data'

NP[nh] ___ MAN

NP ___ met NP

NP[nh] ___

NP ___ avec NP

NP[nh] ___MAN

NP ___ with NP


'erin slagen een emotie of betekenis over te brengen'

'réussir à faire passer son message ou inspirer une émotion, un sentiment à quelqu'un'

'to succeed in getting across a meaning or emotion'

>>> overbrengen

NP ___ NP (à NP)

NP ___ NP (to NP)


'met elkaar in verbinding staan'

'ne pas être isolé de ce qui l'entoure'

'to be connected'

>>> verbinden

>>> verbinden

NP ___ MAN

NP ___ with/entre NP

>>> connect

NP ___ with/to NP


'(van kunstwerken, programma's, …) een publiek aanspreken'

'(d'œuvres d'arts, émisssions,…) plaire à un public'

'(of artistic products or artists) to appeal to an audience'

NP[nh] ___

NP[nh] ___ met NP

>>> parler

>>> parler

>>> 2.

NP ___ to NP


'de Heilige Communie ontvangen (r-k) /deelnemen aan het Avondmaal (prot.)'

'recevoir la communion'

'to receive Holy Communion'

NP ___

>>> communier

NP ___


'documenten bij iemand inleveren'

'transmettre des documents à quelqu'un'

'to submit documents to sb'

>>> overleggen / overmaken

NP ___ NP (à NP)

>>> produce / submit / hand in


'tot uiting brengen'

'exprimer quelque chose'

'to express sth'

>>> uitdrukken / overbrengen

>>> uitdrukken / overbrengen

>>> uitdrukken / overbrengen

>>> exprimer /

>>> exprimer /

>>> exprimer /

NP[nh] ___ NP 

NP[nh] ___ that Pfin 

NP[nh] ___ wh Pfin


'van de ene persoon of plaats naar de andere overgaan'

'faire passer d'une personne ou chose à une autre'

'to pass on or transmit sth from sb/sth to sb/sth else'

>>> overgaan

NP ___ NP à NP

NP ___ NP to NP


'(van woorden, formuleringen) goed overkomen, goed klinken'

'(de mots, formulations) sonner bien, être bien reçu'

'(of words or phrases) to come across alright, to sound good'

NP[nh] ___

>>> sonner

>>> sound




voorbeelden - exemples - examples


'Special interest'-groepen kunnen op mondiaal niveau communiceren en tekst, beeld en geluid verspreiden.
Stalin zat al te vast in het zadel - waar hij door Lenin zelf was ingeholpen - om nog iets tegen hem te kunnen ondernemen en bovendien kon Lenin de laatste tien maanden bijna niet meer communiceren.
De bedrijfscultuur veranderde: de openheid verdween. Gecommuniceerd werd er nauwelijks.
Leonidas had me woordenboeken gebracht, want ik moest toch communiceren en hij kon niet altijd als tolk optreden.

Kok is er vast van overtuigd dat de koeien telepathisch communiceren. Onderling, maar ook met mensen.
Zelfs al zullen we in de toekomst steeds meer elektronisch communiceren, dan nog zullen face-to-face, en dus in hoofdzaak verbale, contacten niet verdwijnen.
Ik praat, ik overtuig mensen. Ik communiceer niet graag schriftelijk. Ik bel wel of ga langs. Mijn agenda is altijd overvol.
Met uitzondering van president Demirel en zijn Azerbajdzjaansee ambtgenoot Haydar Aliyev, communiceerden de presidenten van de vier andere republieken in het Russisch, in plaats van in hun Turkse dialect.
De toenmalige hoofdredacteur had geen enkel contact met zijn medewerkers. Hij communiceerde via een brievenbus die in zijn kamer uitklapte.
Toegegeven, de regering Clinton heeft zich sterk gemaakt voor de aanleg van de digitale snelweg, waarlangs tot in het oneindige kan worden gecommuniceerd, maar meer dan morele steun heeft Washington niet toegezegd.
"Is er ook nog onzichtbare communicatie tussen man en paard? ,,Je bent een eenheid, maar ik maak heel weinig geluid. Je communiceert met de handen en de benen. 
Bij de Citrus Bowl staan jonge voluptueuze vrouwen in bikini met koele dranken. Zwarthandelaren communiceren per draagbare telefoon. In de koelte onder de tribunes het Nederlandse bedrijfsleven in korte broek.

Voor veel Derde-wereldbewoners die met de rest van de wereld willen communiceren, biedt e-mail een betaalbaar alternatief.
Madani en Belhadj, die twee jaar geleden tot 12 jaar gevangenis werden veroordeeld wegens aanvallen op de staatsveiligheid, zijn onder huisarrest geplaatst. Zij mogen communiceren met andere leiders van het FIS, zo werd vandaag meegedeeld.
Bedrijven zien Internet steeds meer als een ideale manier om te communiceren met hun werknemers, hun ondernemingspartners en met hun klanten.
Er zijn medewerkers binnen de vakgroep die zonder tussenkomst van het faculteitsbestuur niet meer met elkaar communiceren waardoor een onwerkbare situatie is ontstaan.

Het hele jaar door zal op regionale bijeenkomsten worden gecommuniceerd over geloof en engagement.
Het gaat erom of je zonder te praten kunt communiceren over ritme, gevoel en frasering, dat moet je leren met beweging en mimiek.

De directie van de PIZ zegt dat bewakers van de inrichting slechts af en toe via portofoons met elkaar communiceren over gevangenen, bijvoorbeeld wanneer zich een voetbalwedstrijdje afspeelt en een van de gevangenen (toeschouwers) moet worden opgehaald.

In de gevangenis De Grittenborgh moeten gedetineerden die op het bezit van harddrugs worden betrapt een aantal weken vanachter een glaswand telefonisch met hun bezoek communiceren.
Je kunt met Duitsers vaak wel in het Engels communiceren, maar in het Duits kom je een stuk verder.
Het heeft volgens Kok geen zin via de media met elkaar te communiceren. ,,Dan gaat het zo op een discussie tussen doven lijken.''
De twee wegen waarlangs u met de computer communiceert zijn erg belangrijk. Neem altijd het beste en grootste scherm dat u zich kunt veroorloven.
Nieuw is de ontdekking dat bijen niet alleen met zichtbare signalen, maar ook door middel van geluid met elkaar communiceren.
Deze abonnees kunnen dus met een kleine zaktelefoon direct via het Iridium-netwerk communiceren met elke andere telefoon in de wereld.

Het IMF - en het Westen in zijn algemeenheid - kan verweten worden dat het onvoldoende heeft ingezien dat slechts een handvol hervormers in Rusland de Westerse economentaal begrijpt en daarover in het Engels kan communiceren.
Wie via de pers communiceert over personen wordt buiten spel gezet.


Le propos de cette rencontre était de faire... communiquer les concepteurs de ces machines et ceux qui étudient leurs effets sur le champ social.
Alain Carignon communique plus que jamais, l'oeil rivé sur les jeunes et les caméras.

Aujourd'hui, chaque direction possède un fax libre service et communique en interne comme en externe.
Certes, les banques, les caisses d'épargne communiquaient déjà par la voix des ondes, mais c'est la première fois qu'un gestionnaire de patrimoine utilise ce média.

Les Was, avec lesquels il nous fut interdit de communiquer par arrangement entre eux et les organisateurs du voyage [...], servirent pendant vingt ans de piétaille au Parti communiste birman insurgé.
Le régent arrive dans l'après-midi chez lui, au château de Buda, sans avoir pu communiquer pendant quarante-huit heures avec le gouvernement.

A l'origine créé par le gouvernement fédéral pour permettre à ses chercheurs de communiquer entre eux à distance, Internet est devenu une sorte de super-réseau électronique.
La pièce du milieu est occupée par le PDG, qui peut ainsi surveiller, à tout moment, les horaires, les comportements et le rythme de travail de ses collaborateurs. Ces derniers, qui portent tous le titre de directeur, sont directement rattachés à lui et ne doivent pas communiquer entre eux.
A Bruxelles, 62 % des fonctionnaires européens communiquent entre eux en français, 32 % en anglais et 6 % en allemand.

"Il s'agissait alors de valoriser la marque en offrant aux femmes un modèle", confie Olivier Vandorme, chef de l'actuelle campagne chez Publicis où, dit-il, "nous avons préféré communiquer sur le produit."

Cette suggestion d'un porte-parole unique, et donc commun aux magistrats du parquet et du siège, a soulevé un certain scepticisme parmi les magistrats présents au colloque.  Je conçois mal qu'un magistrat du siège communique pour le parquet, notait immédiatement Laurent Davenas, procureur de la République à Evry.


Communication occurs when information is shared between a minimum of two participants. Individuals who wish to communicate have the opportunity to select one or more of four channels: Visual: using the eyes as receptors. Auditory: using the ears as receptors. Olfactory: using the nose as the receptor. Tactile: using the skin surfaces (including taste buds) as receptors.
THE family and friends of autistic five-year-old Mark Mason have raised £1,400 to buy special computer equipment to help him communicate and make better progress at the special school he attends in York.
It is the possession of a common culture and the ability to communicate and pass it on to others that distinguishes the human being from other animals.

"In a way it would be interesting to work in a country where you couldn't speak the language so you could communicate with your eye and your camera, not your tongue."
She felt rigid like a telegraph pole, communicating perfectly, functioning flawlessly, but with no heart, no soul.
We communicated through 18-year-old Lisa, who passed on my questions by spelling out words on Julia's hand.
Each subsystem concurrently communicates via a 25MHz 64-bit bus and the CPU local bus running at 50MHz.
In another case example they compare the performance of personal and social care skills by a female AD sufferer, who communicated by gesture, at home and in a day centre.

It has been suggested, from an evolutionary point of view, that language may have arisen out of primitive man's use of manual gestures to communicate with his fellows (Hewes, 1973).
If they all give exactly the same answer, you can be pretty sure they have communicated with each other.
As a god and therefore able to communicate with all other gods, the king was the high priest of every cult and every temple and the sole officiant in the ritual, and he is shown in this role presenting the offerings in temple reliefs.
These programs are part of the operating system — the set of commands which come with the computer and allow you to communicate with it.

PAPA WEMBA: A show built in Paris on musical foundations assembled in Zaire. Much use made of the lokole, a percussion instrument employed to communicate between villages.
Both males and females differ in the control which they have over the many muscles, including the diaphragm, used in voice production. Thus some people have low, monotonous voices and others can modulate the voice for effective and varied expression. There are also differences related to patterns of physical contact as a means of communicating between males, between females, and between males/females; and these are mentioned in Chapter 15 when expressing sexuality is discussed.
With the newly emerging client-server applications, Gates said, the role of personal computer technology in corporate computing is growing. "We see companies rethinking how they can manage product design, how they can help people communicate between different groups in a company, how they can eliminate printed information and let people see information electronically and browse it exactly the way they want, or how they can keep track of their customers in a better way."

Videotapes of school activities are a useful means of communicating about work undertaken at school.
We talk about the world according to our human mind configuration. So presumably, other creatures are simply talking and communicating about the world according to their particular mind configurations.It is limited in comparison to our human potential, but it is nonetheless communication.
Selective pressures for a system of communication of this kind might have produced, through different mutations for new behaviour, a different dance or indeed wholly different behaviour types, serving the same function. In fact, another species of bee that communicates about food sources (Apis florica) does so in the same way except in so faras it wiggles in the horizontal ratherthan the vertical plane, and so can indicate directly the angle of the food source from the sun.

Communicating on sex can be difficult. Many find it very embarrassing to describe their expectations regarding actual physical technique. Those who find verbal communication difficult will have to rely on what we call corporal communication.

 In using a symbolic device, such as a pointing gesture, to communicate with another person about something — for example, an object — it is clear that the child has learned many of the social skills necessary for linguistic communication.
A person with a limited vocabulary can usually manage well in familiar surroundings but may experience difficulty, for instance when filling in many of the forms which have become a feature of our modern society such as an insurance form. However problems can arise even for intelligent people with an extensive vocabulary, for example when they are communicating with someone on a subject other than their own speciality.

Man is essentially a social being and spends the major part of each day communicating with other people in one way or another.
The Society communicates with its members through a number of familiar channels.
Very soon, he said, General Motors plants will communicate with each other by computers.
Lloyd finds this paradigm wanting in various respects, and proceeds to develop an alternative approach in which the non-verbal channel of communication is precluded by asking children to communicate by telephone on a route-finding task.


Motto: eerst weten wat je wilt communiceren, dan beslissen hoe je het aanpakt.
Wat communiceert Loesje zoal? Een greep uit het actuele aanbod: ,,Bezuinigen, waarom zouden we meebetalen aan de tweede boot van de rijken?", "Toen straffen niet hielp bouwden ze er nog een paar gevangenissen bij", …

Art. 157. De dispositien tot arrest, ontslag en verandering in de wijze van het arrest zelf, worden aan de beklaagde, ter terechtzitting, gecommuniceerd, daarvan aantekening in de notulen gemaakt, en door de auditeur-militair gezorgd, dat dezelve executie bekomen.

De gemeentelijke belastingen moesten noodgedwongen omhoog. Daartegenover stond echter de start van projecten als de ontwikkeling van de industrie, de Baanstraat en de kom De  Schans. Helaas heeft het CDA toen nagelaten om over die projecten voldoende te communiceren met de burgerij.

Akzo kwam met een eigen eisenpakket en ging nadrukkelijk 'communiceren' wat het bedrijf wilde en van zijn werknemers verwachtte.


Le montant de la transaction n'a pas été communiqué.
Le Salon de Mars [...] s'est achevé sur un bilan positif, selon ses organisateurs, qui refusent pourtant d'en communiquer le chiffre d'affaires: "A quoi bon, puisque ces chiffres sont toujours faux!"
Selon l'agence ITAR-TASS qui communique ce bilan, les réacteurs de l'appareil, un Tupolev 154 qui effectuait la liaison entre Irkoutsk au sud de la Sibérie [...] et Moscou, se seraient brusquement arrêtés peu après le décollage.

Je reconnais que dans ces conversations, j'ai communiqué à mes interlocuteurs, pour appuyer mes dires, des données de caractère secret, mais qui ne se rapportaient nullement au potentiel militaire, technique ou scientifique de la France, ce que j'eusse pu faire aisément si j'avais été un agent soviétique, comme on m'accuse injustement de l'avoir été.
De Munchhausen à Mulhouse en passant par Strasbourg ou Colmar, la qualité de l'air que respirent les habitants de la région leur est désormais communiquée, quotidiennement, par Radio-France Alsace.

Pendant la crise, les maigres faveurs des recruteurs se portaient ainsi en priorité sur les contrôleurs de gestion, sur les jeunes commerciaux, "des vendeurs capables de communiquer sur les produits ", précise Odile Lasserrenne.
Sur tous ces sujets, les mères ne communiquent pas davantage avec leurs enfants, filles et garçons, qu'il y a trente ou quarante ans.


The earl's voice was low-pitched and full, pleasing to the ear, and the news he had communicated even more pleasing.
During the year under review a total of 132 press releases, 12 press conferences and 67 radio and television interviews helped communicate the Council's news and views in Scotland.
He said that he didn't mind who was present, that he had something to communicate which might slightly affect the convenience of everyone in residence here, and therefore could be stated in everyone's presence.
There was so much he wanted to communicate, but he knew that Estabrook was utterly ignorant of the involvement his family had with the fate of the Dominions.

Eliot's writings on poetry do not contain a systematic theory, but on two matters of principle he adopted a stance strongly opposed to that of Richards: he refused to accept either that poetry consisted in the use of emotive language, or that it was simply a vehicle for communicating the author's experience to the reader.
One of the motivations for children to Speak is that they have ideas which they wish to communicate to other people (Bloom 1973).
D. F. MacDermot of the Foreign Office minuted that the report from UNTCOK must be considered before determining a course of action: to stipulate a detailed plan in advance would play into the hands of the Russians and of dissident political groups in south Korea. This view was communicated to the United States embassy in London.
The relationship between dramatic playing and performance: So far I have been at pains to make a clear distinction between these two modes. In Chapter Two I asserted that two contrary intentions are involved: the intention to be, to submit to the experience of an event, and the intention to describe, to communicate an event to someone else.

Von Frisch discovered that bees can communicate information about direction symbolically.
Such instructions may be communicated verbally or written.
Whatever the reasons may be, the ability to express your own ideas clearly, logically and concisely is an important study skill to be developed. Written work at college is generally of two kinds: (1) essays, reports or other written assignments; (2) examination answers. In both areas, you need to learn how to communicate your ideas as effectively as possible through the written word — whether in handwritten, typed or word-processed form.

Taken to hospital, he managed to communicate by writing that he was deaf and dumb, that he lived in Dublin, and that he was temporarily resident in Cardiff.
Although Helen had communicated through her solicitor that she would continue to meet some of their household costs, he saw that something would have to be done quickly, and that someone would have to be tapped for a loan.

How do you communicate to them that you really like them?

In general, this type of problem indicates that some modification either to the program itself, or in the notes that communicate how to control it, will be needed.

"In every speech I make, I try to communicate to the audience why I think they should bother to listen to what I've got to say," he told delegates over a video link between London and Torquay.
Disability arts include art which directly represents the experience of Disability, as well as documenting and promoting disability rights campaigns. It also includes and promotes work produced simply by people defining themselves as Disabled. By reflecting all the aspects of Disabled people's lives, new images of Disability are created. These serve to provide Disabled people with a positive cultural identity and impetus for continued campaigning as well as communicating to the non-Disabled arts and general community what being Disabled is really about.


Om hun belangen veilig te stellen sloten zij een verbond met UMNO dat doet denken aan de 'pacificatie' tussen de Nederlandse zuilen na de Eerste Wereldoorlog. De gemeenschappen communiceren nauwelijks, maar hun leiders doen politieke zaken en verdelen de ministersposten.
Huwaert verwijt de staf-chef dat hij ,,dictaten van boven'' oplegt en dat hij commandeert en controleert, maar nauwelijks communiceert.

Een dirigent is gewoon iemand die de partituur kent, daar ideeën over heeft en goed kan communiceren.
We merken dat men de chemie moeilijk benaderbaar vindt en dat chemici inderdaad moeilijk communiceren.
Europa en de VS hebben een geschakeerde en ingewikkelde relatie. Soms communiceren we niet zo gemakkelijk.
Riemens trekt de vergelijking met hamburgerketen McDonalds. ,,McDonalds communiceert goed. Naar welke je ook toegaat, je weet precies wat er te koop is. Dat willen we met de transferia ook."

Andere werkzoekenden bleken beter in staat om met een computer te communiceren dan met collega's en moesten dus getraind worden op sociale vaardigheden.
Interdisciplinair is niet 'van alles een beetje', maar vanuit de eigen discipline kunnen communiceren met andere vakgebieden om zo te komen tot kruisbestuiving.
Ik dacht het helemaal gevonden te hebben, maar ik kon niet communiceren met mijn vrouw. 's Ochtends had ik mijn ogen nog niet open, of we hadden ruzie omdat ik te veel tandpasta gebruikte."
Goed zijn in je vakgebied is niet meer voldoende. Je moet nu vooral sociaal ontzettend vaardig zijn en van de top tot de werkvloer met iedereen kunnen communiceren.

,,Van Hanegem communiceert beter met de pers dan met zijn spelers'', reageerde Advocaat op de aantijging dat hij de internationals van Feyenoord als minderwaardig zou behandelen.
Van de IRT-affaire hebben we geleerd dat als instanties niet goed met elkaar kunnen communiceren, dat kan leiden tot grote drama's.
Ook premier Lubbers, met wie hij de afgelopen jaren steeds slechter leek te communiceren, valt volgens Brinkman niets te verwijten.


C'est le monde tel que le voit un photographe devenu un classique – un des plus importants d'aujourd'hui. Un monde où les gens ne communiquent plus, hormis par le biais de la rue, où ils laissent leur trace.
Mal à l'aise, empêtré par l'image qu'il est chargé de donner à l'étranger, incapable de communiquer simplement après avoir été de plus en plus coupé du monde, il est comme exclu de la vie, congelé.

Cet officier, Jean-Claude Philippot, travaille souvent en civil pour mieux communiquer avec les industriels.


But there is the sad possibility that parent and child stop communicating at this time and never rebuild the relationship on a new and satisfying footing.
Joseph nodded and managed to smile back at her, relieved that they were communicating again.
Talking to Stan about fossil hunting makes you aware of the passion that drives him on. "A fossil hunter is one who seeks out evidence of the past from the natural history of the rocks. You need an enquiring mind and the ability to communicate. Then you can call yourself a scientist."

By 1928 when the vote was granted to women over 21, the two sisters had ceased to communicate with each other — their ideas and lifestyles were now poles apart.
Nearly all the participants described in these accounts were male and nearly all the studies were undertaken by male sociologists who had some difficulty communicating with young women.
"What has Katherine told you?" Jacob asked, trying to keep his voice calm. It wasn't that he feared betrayal. It was simply that the Katherine he saw through Thomas seemed a stranger. "Oh." Thomas threw off the question lightly. "That she doesn't get on with her mother. That she fears her, when your wife has had a little too much to drink. That she can't communicate with her, particularly when your wife is depressed."

The French theorist Lyotard has recently pointed to the fragmentation of intellectual culture. New sub-disciplines are taking off at an extraordinary rate, associated inparticular with the integration of computer systems into society's systems of communication, management and finance. One reading of this situation is that society's thought patterns are developing in an anarchic fashion, with their adherents less able to communicate meaningfully with each other.
Joseph O'Conor also makes Menenius infinitely more than a wily patrician: he seems the only one capable of communicating sanely with the several, warring factions.


Als een PC wil communiceren in een netwerk, kijkt een schakelkastje (hub) naar het zendadres en brengt een actieve schakeling tot stand tussen verzender en ontvanger.
Maar in de derde fase, die volgens de NS-technici onverwacht snel binnen bereik komt, communiceren de treinen niet meer via bakens tussen de rails, maar met GSM-zendapparatuur via radiobakens langs de rails (Global System for Mobile Communication).

"We willen verzekeren dat we van elkaar leren wanneer we deze nieuwe systemen ontwikkelen en dat we een transatlantische brug bouwen zodat deze twee belangrijke netwerken met elkaar kunnen communiceren,'' aldus Spero gisteren.
Het ene [experiment] moet dit najaar beginnen, waarbij lokale netwerken van NTT landelijk worden gekoppeld en bijvoorbeeld computers in het zuidelijke Fukuoka met grote snelheid kunnen communiceren met computers in het noordelijke Sapporo.


Les microordinateurs vont de plus en plus communiquer et seront vraisemblablement les terminaux communicants privilégiés de demain.
A travers deux types d'intervention: d'une part, celle d'équipes d'une technicité très forte assurant un travail d'architecture, concevant les "autoroutes" qui vont faire communiquer les différentes stations de travail ou les bases de données, assurant la cohérence de ces dernières...

Avec Carminat, une voiture pourra ainsi dans un avenir proche communiquer, grâce à cet équipement, avec un central qui lui indiquera les difficultés à attendre sur l'itinéraire choisi et les solutions qui s'offrent.
En revanche, un portatif se montre incapable, pour l'instant en tout cas, de communiquer avec un répondeur sur le réseau filaire.


The Micro Twist II is remote and local mode selectable so that the attached computers can communicate alone or through the 10BaseT network when you flip a switch.
To resolve the problem that most organisations have multiple networks that communicate using different network protocols, the multiprotocol networking software in Oracle7 is designed to enable any client computer to communicate with any server or group of server computers in the network, regardless of network protocol.
PeerLogic, an IBM business partner, says its technology allows programs to communicate efficiently over heterogeneous networks.
The system can be described as a set of cascaded ATN networks which communicated via an ordered agenda.

A network is likely to include at least one printer and may be able to communicate with other networks or electronic devices located far away.
The fact that microcomputers can communicate with larger computers means that data can be prepared on the micro and then sent to the mainframe at a convenient moment.
SuperNet provides the interfaces through which mainframes, mid systems and PC networks can communicate with each other effectively, quickly and totally.
The only difference, therefore, between a full 386 and a 386SX is that the SX chip communicates with the rest of the computer via a 16 bit bus, where the full 386 (the 386DX) uses a 32 bit bus.


Jean-Yves Barré, directeur de la branche "Cycle du combustible" au Commissariat à l'énergie atomique [...], n'hésite pas à se glisser dans la peau des entraîneurs sportifs pour communiquer son enthousiasme, motiver ses troupes et convaincre ses auditeurs.
Lui-même ému, François Bon a acquis, par l'écriture, l'intelligence de cette émotion. Il la communique et donne ainsi à son lecteur  matière à grandir.

POUR dépasser l'échauffourée, il faut que les manifestants communiquent leur fièvre à des groupes plus larges.
Il voulait regarder Zapata dans les yeux, voir si le pays qu'avait un jour rêvé cet homme pouvait exister. Voir si le vieux était capable de lui communiquer l'ardeur, la foi qui avaient alimenté sa croisade.


He makes a most ravishing, alluring sound on his "Mackenzie" Stradivarius (believe me, a Strad in the wrong [even experienced] hands can be absolutely appalling), plays with commendably secure intonation, and communicates an evident enthusiasm for the music in hand, well matched by the sensitive support he receives from Devos.
Labour still either lacks, or cannot communicate, a concrete vision of a modestly successful post-industrial British economy.
Allchin began by admitting that Microsoft has had a problem communicating its approach to object technology and claimed he was on the panel to put the record straight: there are objects in Windows NT because there is an object management system in the kernel— its simply not exposed to users.
Choreographers have to create dance movements which make their response to the music visible before the performers can communicate the music.
Unfortunately, the delicacy of these splendid watercolours is not easily communicated in reproduction: they combine structural rigour with a sensuous lapping of colour.
In each of these forms, the Word is the Word insofar and only insofar as God really expresses and communicates himself through it; and the special task of Christian dogmatics is to refer the present proclamation of Jesus Christ back to its original ground in God himself inorder to clear away distortions and misrepresentations so that the Word itself can be heard afresh in its own integrity.
It is imperative therefore that the Church utilise all available media to communicate herself clearly.

And Mr Bush, unlike John Kennedy, who came from a not dissimilar background, has found it difficult to communicate his beliefs to others.
However, it would be quite mistaken to regard the conflict over farming and the environment as stemming from a "breakdown of communications", to use the fashionable cliché, because a direct conflict of interest is also involved. It is arguable that if each side could communicate its opinions more clearly to the other, the resulting conflict would be even more embittered.

Often passive:
An over-intrusive mother can equally affect the child's feeding. Not allowing the child independence for self-feeding or getting dirty can interfere with normal developmental learning. The mother's anxiety will be communicated to the child and cause the child to feel upset and so refuse to eat.
He overcame an initial nervousness that made him bark. His enthusiasm and simple belief in what he said was communicated to the men. Some of the younger ones began to shed tears.
The special, complex mood communicated to the reader through this kind of romantic adventure has as its literary results a particular intensity of emotion fostered by a constant shift of pace, tension and suspense.


Elle se raccorde à la Grand'Place par un étranglement, à la fois place et passage. Elle communique ensuite par une sorte d'espace triangulaire devant le théâtre, espace qui se répand plus loin en alvéoles et fuit dans la courte percée de la rue Faidherbe vers la gare.
Une formation à l'INA Pierre, ainsi que les autres techniciens du  studio du temps , c'est le nom de baptême de cet espace aux murs blancs immaculés, sont visiblement fiers de présenter leur lieu de travail aux visiteurs du dehors. L'ensemble communique par des allées.

L'hôtel communique directement avec le grand magasin SOGO, filiale d'une société japonaise, appendice d'une construction du Californien Frank Ghery sommée d'un gros poisson métallique.
La délocalisation du Palais de la découverte est plus épineuse. Il occupe, depuis 1937, l'ensemble du pavillon d'Antin [...], qui s'ouvre avenue Franklin-Roosevelt, et communique parfaitement avec la grande nef.

Les cellules communiquent entre elles grâce à des orifices pratiqués dans les cloisons ; lorsque le vent faiblit, l'air est maintenu à l'intérieur de celles-ci par l'intermédiaire de pièces de tissu qui retombent par gravité, jouant le rôle de clapets antiretour.


The entrance to the lower mine, is by a level of two hundred and twenty yards in length, which communicates with a shaft, one hundred yards deep.
A disrupted lymphatic system communicating with the bladder could be localised and the connection fulgarated.
An analogue of Ediacaran organization may be found in the modern deep-water scleractinian coral Leptoseris fragilis: instead of tentacles, it uses its ciliated surface as a food-gathering organ, and has an internal canal-like gastrovascular system that communicates with the exterior through pores.

The Michelin Guide to the Côte de l'Atlantique says that this eerie and impressive cavern, which communicates by a passage through the cliff to the château on the summit, was probably made in the twelfth century to shelter the relics of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem brought back from a Crusade by Pierre II of Castillon, who at that time held the château.


Frans Schupp, bekomen van de eerste schrik, zette met koeieletters uiteen wat de dingen voorstellen: ,,Het werk communiceert blijkbaar niet, daarom heb ik het er maar opgeschreven.''

Slechts een van de getoonde films slaagt erin ondanks de op zichzelf staande vormspelletjes te communiceren met een publiek.


We are convinced that the best way for works of art to communicate to the public is for those works to have the most beautiful and natural context in which to be shown.
"You're an artist. Deep down, you need to perform. You need to communicate to vast audiences. You have a duty to your public."
The products of study of history can take a variety of forms. Each different form requires the mastery of its specific skills if, as is surely the object of the enterprise, the product is to be available and to communicate to all who may be interested.
"I've always got the greatest thrill from music when it communicates directly to me."


Wie communiceert in staat van dronkenschap, die verbrandt gegarandeerd zijn tong. (OE)


The long association of the priest with the ordeal, which took place after the accused had communicated or taken part in the eucharist, must have blurred the distinction between earthly and supernatural justice.


Mais, deux jours plus tard, c'est une liste nettement plus fournie qui sera communiquée.
Considérant que le silence ministériel constitue désormais un "refus implicite du ministre de la santé de communiquer des documents juridiquement communicables", elle a déposé, vendredi 4 février, un recours pour excès de pouvoir contre le ministre de la santé auprès du tribunal administratif de Paris.

Michel Charasse reprochait notamment à M. Tesson d'avoir laissé entendre qu'alors qu'il était ministre il aurait communiqué à des journalistes le dossier fiscal de l'homme d'affaires Pierre Botton gendre de Michel Noir, le maire de Lyon poursuivi pour des délits financiers.
Selon un proche collaborateur de Pierre Méhaignerie, "le garde des sceaux a demandé au procureur général de Rennes de se faire communiquer les pièces du dossier sur lesquelles s'appuie la note d'information du conseiller Van Ruymbeke et de faire part à la chancellerie de son analyse et de ses propositions".


Although there is nothing in the measurements to suggest it, the sound comes to my ear as on the warm side of strick neutrality— perhaps rich would be a better description. It is beautifully detailed but in a musical rather than analytical sense, offering a degree of presence which communicates real emotion where the programme offers it.
Music's place in our services may be seen as a gift of God which he uses to reveal something of himself to us. It can communicate with unsurpassed effect the majesty of the Almighty, the gentleness of his love or the challenge of his righteousness.

His pronounced asthmatic-like breathing, now much louder than the high-pitched roar of the onward-speeding train, is further encouraged by wild elbows pumping in and out from his sides, and the brief sight of an ear that fluctuates between light yellow through red to dark purple signalling through the fog communicates that the moment of knowing the truth of the deep is imminent.

Intellectual sharing is interesting but not very romantic. James 1:19 says, "Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry". Communication problems arise because we do not listen. We are too preoccupied with our own thoughts to listen for understanding. Yet, how well we listen communicates how interested we are in the relationship.


C'est un timbre de Dahoney qui lui a communiqué le virus alors qu'il avait treize ans.
Cette énergie libérée s'est communiquée aux nuages ambiants qu'elle a réchauffés jusqu'à des températures de plus de 30 000 degrés, créant ainsi une énorme bulle de gaz chauds et de feu.


Either passive or reflexive:
The Thomson , Captain Richard Johnson, a new vessel and one of the finest ever built here, was in a flame. It was low water, consequently all the shipping in port was in the most imminent danger and... there was the greatest reason to fear that the flames would, from it, soon be communicated to the town...

His own terrible fear and anger had communicated itself to his father and shown him what the better part of valour was: keeping silent.
Then, as if my thoughts had communicated themselves to him, he gave me a long look, with trouble in it.
Thus, a new influence came into Medau work, and Senta Medau began a collaboration with Dr Schmitt's colleague, Dr Frederike Richter, that resulted in a way of working that they called Organgymnastik. In this country we call it Medau Breathing Movement, and by "breathing movement" we mean internal movement of the trunk, which starts with the rising and falling of the diaphragm and then communicates itself to the abdominal walls, pelvic floor, the whole back and as far as the collar bone. We call this the breathing pressure wave.


Vorige week bleek dat de [Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen] overweegt haar naam te wijzigen in Universiteit Wageningen. Landbouw 'communiceert niet' omdat de universiteit ook voeding, natuur en milieu tot haar takenpakket rekent.