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Click on the underlined numbers to see examples of the patterns (then use the "back" button of your browser to return to the patterns).
Click on the underlined verbs to follow references to other lemmas.






'tot voorwaarde hebben'

'rendre indispensable'

'to require or need sth

NP[nh] ___ NP (van NP)

NP[nh] ___ dat Pfin

>>> 1./2.

NP[nh] ___ NP (de (la part de) NP)

NP[nh] ___ (de NP) que Pfin 

NP[nh] ___ de Pinf

NP[nh] ___ NP (of/from NP)

NP[nh] ___ that Pfin 

NP[nh] ___ (NP) to Pinf


'op een gebiedende manier iets vragen, of alsof men ertoe gerechtigd is; verlangen, vorderen'

'dire de façon imperieuse que l'on veut quelque chose' 

'to ask for sth very strongly, or as if one has a right to do so'

>>> eisen

>>> eisen

>>> eisen

>>> eisen

NP ___ NP (de NP)

NP ___ NP (comme) C2

NP ___ (de NP v comme C2) que Pfins

NP ___ de Pinf

NP ___ NP (of/from NP / for NP)

NP ___ NP as C2

NP ___ that Pfin

NP ___ NP to Pinf2


'iets wensen'

'désirer quelque chose'

'to wish for sth'

>>> wensen

>>> wensen

>>> désirer

>>> désirer

NP ___ 

NP ___ NP



voorbeelden - exemples - examples


Belangrijker is echter dat de nieuwe veiligheidsproblematiek een geïntegreerde aanpak vereist, waarin nieuwe taken voor onze krijgsmacht liggen besloten.
Technische noviteiten past hij in Impuls niet toe, wel vereisen de ligging in het water en de fundering op de IJ-tunnel speciale voorzieningen.
De talrijke foto’s zijn als mozaïeken die aandachtige bestudering vereisen, waarna ze hun bijzondere schoonheid prijsgeven.
Dat betekent dat een volledig begrip van een kunstwerk een reconstructie vereist van de historische en kritische stellingname die er aan ten grondslag ligt.
Ook al vereist de cursus geen bijzondere filosofische voorkennis, er zal onder de Griekse zon flink gestudeerd moeten worden.

Dat vereist van een verdediger een hoog taktisch en technisch niveau.
De voorstelling vereist van de toeschouwer een analytische wijze van luisteren en kijken.

Met een onderwerpszin: HET ___ NP om te Pinf
In zo’n klimaat vereist het moed, of een paar gezonde neurosen, om met een afwijkende mening te komen.
Het vereist opnieuw nogal wat taalkundig inzicht om ze te localiseren.

Een deel van de bezuinigingen blijft staan en het akkoord vereist dat twee jaar lang geen loonsverhoging komt.
"Mijn spel vereist dat ik veel train", klaagde Becker.
Volgens Wladimiroff vereist een professionele houding dat de advocaat zich niet laat leiden door zijn gevoelens.


La faiblesse de Banesto exigeait alors la mise sous tutelle rapide, parce qu'elle présentait "trop de risques pour l'ensemble du système financier du pays", a ajouté le ministre.
Dans la perspective d'une opération complexe, impliquant de multiples acteurs et exigeant donc une étroite coordination, les débats, auxquels ont évidemment participé les militaires, ont été souvent techniques : quel périmètre d'exclusion [...] ?

La crise que nous traversons exige de nous un effort plus grand, un surcroît d'imagination.
"L'intérêt et la réputation de la Tunisie", ajoute le médecin, "exigent de nous la preuve d'un scrutin sérieux, régi par des lois démocratiques".

Mais qu'on ne s'y trompe pas : ce détournement exigea de sa part beaucoup de sacrifice, d'abnégation, de rigueur, d'"audace un peu trop audacieuse", de "brusque brusquerie" d'intelligence aussi.

La conduite du progrès des sciences et des techniques exige que l'opinion soit avertie des impasses et des effets pervers de pratiques aussi coûteuses.
Musique violente, sensuelle, chatoyante, d'une subtilité rythmique incroyable qui exigeait que l'on agrandisse l'orchestre, pour le disque, tout en respectant l'instrumentation originelle [...].

Mais en même temps, la réalisation de leur projet exige d'eux qu'ils agissent en partenariat avec de multiples acteurs : depuis les élus des communes ou cantons, géographiquement concernés, jusqu'à la palette des financiers potentiels : ces mêmes collectivités locales, en tant que bénéficiaires ; mais surtout, l'Etat, qui assume l'essentiel des salaires des personnes embauchées à travers les contrats emploi-solidarité [...] et le coût des heures de formation par le biais du crédit formation individualisé (CFI) et des actions d'insertion et de formation (AIF).

Commentaire du bibliothécaire du Congrès : "Pareil exercice exige de faire marcher son cerveau : cela n'a rien à voir avec la consommation passive d'une émission de télévision."
Si la chaise intéresse tant les architectes et si les plus célèbres d'entre eux, lors de la révolution moderniste de la première moitié du XXe siècle se sont spontanément distingués dans cet exercice, c'est que, comme la grande architecture, celle de la chaise exige d'assurer la stabilité, la résistance, en recherchant la simplicité, et, par chance, la beauté formelle.


According to article 3 of the Swiss civil code, "no person can plead bona fides in any case where he has failed to exercise the degree of care required by the circumstances".
Previously, building RAM into a Smart Card required an on-card battery.
What is interesting about Isabelle's case, though, is that after two years of rehabilitation and skilled training she covered the stages of learning that would normally require six years.
These jumpers dry in no time, no pressing is required and the fabric is so light and cosy that I wear them all year round!
What is required is to maintain a degree of perspective when approaching any problem areas, such as COSHH regulations or pollution control.

Very high altitudes can also be attained by the employment of natural and artificial harmonics, but here again the use of these is the exception rather than the rule, and a good deal of practical knowledge of string technique is required for their safe and appropriate use.
All functions which draw on public resources (and most of the work by "free organizations" is heavily subsidized out of public funds) require a legal basis for their legitimate operation, and this also applies when statutory responsibilities are delegated to non-statutory services.
According to distance, different eye-movements are required for focusing on different objects.

Islamey is a dangerous work with which to start a concert, the agitato semi-quavers of the opening bars requiring considerable precision from an orchestra which has not had time to warm up.
For a songwriter, the main advantages of owning a publishing company are usually regarded as keeping total control of, and earning 100 per cent of the income generated by, his or her songs. some writers set up publishing companies for tax purposes. Others believe it looks more professional. However, there are disadvantages. The most obvious is that a larger amount of time is required from the writer.

The pattern is sometimes accompanied by a purposive infinitive:
Or producers have not been sufficiently provocative and challenging in their discussions with screenwriters, failing to generate the levels of energy required to maximize a script's possibilities.
According to legend, some stones have moved permanently by their own power, such as the Wergin Stone near Hereford which suddenly moved 240 paces and required nine yoke of oxen to take it back.
Even the now firmly "geriatric" Boeing 707 family requires a large infra-structure to keep it and its systems flying.

For illness to occur, salmonellas usually require a growth medium such as prepared food and exposure to warm temperatures for a prolonged period, to allow multiplication to their 100,000 to 100,000,000 cells which constitute an infective dose.
This may have occurred in the western Pacific Ocean where the age of the lithosphere presently being subducted indicates that cooling over a period of about 180 200 Ma is required for this process of spontaneous subduction to occur.

All of those realities require that the government provides: a stable economic environment; education and training that fosters the abilities of all young people and adults; a firm emphasis on productive investment in both the public and private sectors.
Many emotional stresses and tensions may, however, simply require that a health visitor listens to and supports the family, putting them incontact with another local adopting family may also help.
Thirdly, the approach requires that choices are made, as assessing and opting between alternatives is necessary.

By virtue of sections 423(2) and 238 of the Act of 1986 the court has an overall discretion wide enough to enable it, if justice so requires, to make no order against the other party to the transaction.
Normally it is set to a preset level and the voltmeter V is calibrated to give Q directly, from which the loss resistance R of the inductor can be calculated if required.

With a subjunctive:
A more gender-balanced communication requires that there be a process of redefinition and change in all areas of human activity.
More specifically, his experiments showed, he claimed, that the cells always developed according to their relative position within the embryo, and this sense of position required that there be a self-organizing coordinate system which told the cells their position and that they then knew what to do.

"Given the continued existence of small authorities, there requires to be established a mechanism for providing support from among the larger authorities," it said.
It is clear, however, what principles require to be applied in settling the structure of local government.
Too often, it was remembered only when some chore required to be done as on the night when William Black arrested the men on the covert operation and someone was wanted to allay with a concocted story any suspicions which might be forming in the mind of Seán McNamee.
As a result, it is quite common to find competing explanations of a single set of events, each presupposing the truth of just those premises — whether holist or individualist — which themselves require to be established.

Fogerty, 23, appears as a South African boxer — a role which required him to join the actors' union Equity.


Le PKK exige maintenant le boycottage du système d'enseignement turc par la population dans tout le sud-est du pays.
Divisés politiquement, souvent rivaux économiquement, ils ne se présentaient pas en force de proposition, au moment où l'Europe exige la solidarité.
Une reprise des contacts gouvernementaux était, certes, nécessaire et souhaitable maintenant que Pékin n'exige plus l'annulation des ventes d'armes passées à Taïwan.
Si l'achat est fait auprès d'un spécialiste, en vente publique ou en galerie, il convient d' exiger un certificat qui précisera s'il s'agit ou non d'une estampe originale, le nombre total de tirages le cas échéant, y compris les éventuelles épreuves d'artiste non destinées au commerce.

Elle revient en effet à exiger de tous les parents concernés la preuve écrite de cinq années de séjour régulier en France.
Ces "mesures d'accompagnement" ont, en fait, imposé une homogénéisation des législations dans un sens restrictif. Un visa a été exigé de tous les ressortissants de pays dont une liste unique a été arrêtée en commun.

"Deux ans de loyer étaient exigés comme droit d'entrée, ce qu'aucun autre centre commercial ne demande plus aujourd'hui, explique Marc Pineau, et les loyers étaient exorbitants, environ 3 000 francs le mètre carré, soit un loyer annuel de 150 000 francs pour une boutique de 50 mètres carrés..."

En agriculture comme ailleurs, l'Europe de demain se présente comme un grand marché libéral agrémenté d'un code de bonne conduite communautaire, qu'il faut exiger le plus rigoureux possible, mais où toute politique de la production sera nationale ou ne sera pas.

Vasarely ignorerait-il le principe constitutionnel, républicain et démocratique de la séparation des pouvoirs? Comment peut-il, lui qui a saisi la justice de ce conflit à de multiples reprises, exiger, sous la menace exécutée de la remise de ses décorations, que le gouvernement fasse ce qu'il n'arrive pas à obtenir des juges, et pour cause?
Au lendemain de la signature de l'accord [...], le Trésor dévoile ses batteries et exige que le Comptoir provisionne à 20 % ses risques, dans l'espoir que les AGF se porteront à son secours.

Israël a adressé, dimanche 2 janvier, un message à l'OLP, exigeant de la centrale palestinienne qu'elle accepte le "document du Caire" sur les modalités de l'autonomie comme base de discussions avant une reprise des négociations.
La tribu des Ahnoun a, en effet, séquestré les trois touristes pour exiger de la toute-puissante tribu des Hached qu'une route en cours de construction passe par la localité de Beni-Naouf, dans la région de Maareb.

Exigeant comme préalable à son arrivée que des conditions drastiques soient imposées aux banques créancières de Bull, M. Capron avait, au final, vu la présidence du groupe informatique lui échapper.

"Lis ça", exigeait-il sans l'ombre d'une jalousie, "c'est rudement bien".

Cette situation a notamment pour effet de gêner le recrutement de "casques bleus" pour des opérations en cours ou futures car les pays qui fournissent des soldats exigent d'être remboursés.
Le Canada accueillera au titre du regroupement familial 111 000 personnes pour lesquelles il n'est pas exigé de parler anglais ou d'avoir une qualification professionnelle.


My Government will require full, unconditional compliance by Iraq with the United Nations Security Council Resolutions, including the disposal of its missiles and weapons of mass destruction.
Political events were moving so fast that the book I had begun to write had ceased, after the completion of the amount of text Faber's required, to be the one that needed to he written.
This means that their own consent is not required, thus making their involuntary sterilisation perfectly legal in South Africa.

Her duties weren't merely confined to waitressing however; like all the girls at The Haven she did whatever was required of her from changing bed linen to washing dishes.
I had the impression of a cautious, reflective man, who would take his work seriously and perform what was required of him to the best of his ability.
Though parents are usually eager to help they are often unclear of what is required of them.

I shall not require any money from you, being able to make my own.
Lancaster himself had to enter into a recognizance of £30,000 and similar large sums were required from his most important followers.It is normal practice for hotels to require confirmation from a prospective guest in writing.

Examples of this kind include the Polytechnic's Diplomas in Cartography and Publishing (now single fields), and, most recently, the Polytechnic Diploma in Language Studies (now a double field, leading, over three years rather than the four required for honours degrees in other language fields, to a BA degree only).

As you will see some money may be required as a deposit and for your fees.
What is mandatory is nothing more or less than what Parliament requires as a precondition of according to such instruments the force of law.
In a further move to stimulate demand for the shares, only 50p of the £1.30 share price was required as an initial payment.

Zuwaya style and etiquette required that people in polite company should not set out arguments of principle, arranged in a hierarchy of priorities, so that they might read off right courses of action from agreed schedules of value.
The draft Approved Document also contains a provision requiring that the first occupants of a dwelling must receive instructions on how to look after the smoke detector system that has been installed.
There are reasons showing that it is better to require that the tax due shall be paid either in quarterly or in monthly payments.
Also, the law requires that a reviseur d'entreprises must be either self-employed or employed by a reviseur d'entreprises (which includes auditing firms) authorised to practise in Luxembourg.

With a subjunctive:
But since justice is not justice unless even-handed, so that one man gets roughly the same treatment from the courts as another in comparable circumstances, and since the law requires that compensation be awarded for physical injuries, and the only kind of compensation which the courts can award is money, the courts are compelled to make a pragmatic solution.
Newport in Shropshire was "new" in the twelfth century when it was granted a charter by Henry I, who required that it supply fish to the royal household from its medieval fish-pond.
In addition to creating a common list of ingredients, the proposed new directive will require that ingredients be listed on labelling.

Sketchley requires you to hold 300 ordinary shares, costing about £3.71 each, to qualify for its discount.
"Fortunately, coroners are not required to indulge in transcendental divination as to the locus of a murder."
The short answer was that when I was working as inspector of taxes I used to give these talks, I was required to give talks.
The agency requires studies to show how much spray residue is left on crops after harvesting and if the pesticide breaks down safely in water.


Only in adverbial clauses!
The good honest that kept your master's worship house when he requires.

Olivetti, a prominent member of the Apache splinter group of ACE companies that insisted on going the Unix SVR4 route, says it won't offer Santa Cruz Operation Inc's ACE Open Desktop implementation, except as an option if customers require it.
OCA issues it's own certificate to those who require written evidence of their achievement.
Yes, of course, said Alex, no, he couldn't pretend he wasn't hurt, but thanks for saying it, and he'd be happy to give any advice that might be required.