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Click on the underlined numbers to see examples of the patterns (then use the "back" button of your browser to return to the patterns).

Click on the underlined verbs to follow references to other lemmas.


zich bedienen

se servir



'bij een activiteit van iets gebruik maken, iets inzetten; gebruiken'

'faire intervenir quelque chose dans une activité; utiliser, employer'

'to make use of sth when carrying out an activity; to employ'

NP ___ van NP (om te Pinf1)

NP ___ van NP als C2

NP ___ de NP (pour Pinf1)

NP ___ de NP comme C2

NP ___ NP (to Pinf1 / for NP/Pger1

NP ___ NP as C2


'iets toepassen; gebruiken

'appliquer quelque chose; employer

'to put sth into effect; to employ'

NP ___ NP (om te Pinf1



NP___ van NP als C2

NP ___ de NP (pour NP /  Pinf1



NP ___ de NP comme C2

NP ___ NP (to Pinf1 / for NP/Pger1



NP ___ NP as C2


'voordeel trekken uit iets; gebruiken

'tirer profit de quelque chose; utiliser

'to take advantage of sth; to use'

>>> benutten  

>>> benutten

NP ___ de NP (pour Pinf1)

NP ___ de NP comme C2

NP ___ NP (to Pinf1 / for NP/Pger1

NP ___ NP as C2


'ergens inkopen doen' 

's'approvisionner quelque part' 

'to buy sth from somewhere'

>>> kopen

NP ___ LOC

>>> buy / shop



'iets nemen dat op de tafel ligt'


'prendre de quelque chose qui est sur la table'


'take something from the table'


NP ___ (van NP)




>>> serve oneself



voorbeelden - exemples - examples


Kernbom Walesa schuwt daarbij geen vuile spelletjes. Zonodig bedient hij zich van leugens en zet hij zijn tegenstanders een hak.
Slocum bediende zich van een Nautical Almanac (prijs in 1895: twee shilling en sixpence) die hij misschien al in Gibraltar had aangeschaft.
We zien dat het rustig is op straat. Verkeersdrukte bestond nog niet. Sommige bodes bedienden zich nog van paarden voor hun wagens.
Waar paarden de kans krijgen, bedienen ze zich graag van boombast, wat enorme beschadigingen aan waardevolle bomen kan opleveren. Wie er op let, ziet deze ontluisteringen maar al te vaak en meestal zijn ze van een omvang, die de boom niet meer herstellen kan.

Tijd is een uitvinding van de mens, een van de denkbeeldige maatstaven waarvan wij ons bedienen om ons staande, of liever gaande te houden.

De ARP bedient zich van het vliegtuig als symbool voor vooruitgang.
In de nabijheid van Epidauros werd hij eindelijk gedood door Theseus, die zich voortaan van de knots van Periphetes als wapen bediende.


L'auteur a concédé à ses fantômes un corps et la volonté de s'en servir.

Il ne réussit qu'à se rendre compte d'une anomalie dont il n'avait pas été frappé sur le vif : la patronne se servait de sa main gauche pour verser à boire. (Robbe-Grillet in Frantext)

J'avais plus d'appréhension pour les paroles des chansons, je me suis servi de la musique comme d'une toile de fond, les mots dessinant les détails, construisant les histoires et mes petits personnages.


Don't use my telephone.
I have owned a GameBoy for a few months now, and still use it.
Sir Formal Trifle is a melancholy, po-faced rhetorician who will never use one short word if he can get his tongue round 50 long ones, while Sir Samuel Hearty hilariously lives up to his name.

He used the long passageways to reassure himself that no one followed, before emerging at the start of avenue Foch.
Daak was using his chainsword to slice safety straps from their moorings.

It's a long time before cloth wholly decays — look how long a bag of cement lasts under water when it's used for emergency repairs to a sea-wall.
The women also had tusks, so that I wondered if they were used for offence or defence.

The F7 , F8 , Shift+F7 , Shift+F8, F9 and F10 keystrokes can also be used to move the cursor quickly (see Task 9). Use the keys for both highlighting text and for moving.

The magazine described Mr Donovan as the boy with bleached hair, although the actor told the court he had never used chemicals on his hair — “just lemon juice in the sun sometimes”.
PICTURES of smiling babies can nolonger be used on the packaging of powdered milk for infants after the European Parliament voted yesterday for measures to encourage mothers to breast-feed their children.

The course is divided into two parts, first of all a part that I shall be conducting, dealing with more professional use of the telephone: that's how you use the telephone, what you say, and how you use it in that way, how you answer the telephone.

Last night America threatened to use Cruise missiles against Serbia to enforce the air exclusion zone over Bosnia.

Old Miss Pritchett had been an excellent neighbour, allowing them to use her garden as a short-cut to the common and the hills beyond, and letting the children pick apples and plums in her orchard.
This species is used as a medicinal herb in the East.
The Wages Council's rates are currently used as a reference point in deciding what pay levels should be.


Er is dan ook al een internationale orgaanmafia die zich van de meest weerzinwekkende praktijken bedient om aan organen te komen.
Osteopaten bedienen zich van een verscheidenheid van methoden om de lymfecirculatie te bevorderen.

Soms bedient Joyce/Giacomo zich ook van de taal van de middeleeuwse hoflyriek: ,, Hier zijn wijnen vol ambergeur, verstervende slotakkoorden van zoete wijzen, de pronkende pavane, minzame edelvrouwen die op hun balkon met kusmondjes lokken, de pokkige deernen en jonge gades die, vrolijk zwichtend voor hun verleiders, kussen en kozen.''
Churchill bediende zich van de feiten, maar hij verwerkte die op zijn eigen manier.


In 1950 wordt een werkbrigade naar Joegoslavië gestuurd (dat Stalin op dat ogenblik tracht te verstikken). Men bedient zich van het zelfbeheer als hefboom voor een socialistische vernieuwing. Men wordt ‘valiezendrager’ voor het Algerijnse FLN opdat deze het Franse imperialisme kan verslaan en, vervolgens, gestimuleerd wordt om haar revolutie de socialistische weg te doen inslaan.





Mais, à se servir de nos techniques, peut-être eût-il plus perdu que gagné. (Sarraute in Frantext)

On peut se servir de ce principe d' une manière directe pour les calculs numériques, en se passant complètement de roues dentées et d'engrenages. (Ruyer in Frantext)

Jung se sert de la double image de la cave et du grenier pour analyser les peurs qui habitent la maison. (Bachelard in Frantext)


L' une et l' autre sont désormais nécessaires à tout homme qui veut comprendre l' univers technique où il vit et se servir de sa culture comme instrument de l' action. (Cros in Frantext)



Whenever he was shown a new sexual technique, he would use it the very next night on his new partner.
Dormant companies that do not want to appoint auditors are now able to use the written resolution procedure.
“It's absolute piffle to say that smacking children teaches them that using violence is OK.”

"If we can map the isotopic composition of lead in the region we are looking at, ie the Mediterranean," said Gail, "then we can build up a database of trade movement". The technique can also be used to confirm or refute current theories.
Had the House of Lords retained the power to block the Commons utterly, and particularly had it not been possible for the Labour administration of 1945–51 force through its nationalisation policies by using the Parliament Act procedure to amend the 1911 Act, it is likely that the House of Lords would have been abolished.

The Channel Tunnel is to be built using the grand Chantier, or large scale works, procedure hitherto used only for the construction of nuclear power stations.

It is by no means a purely technical or scientific tool; the technique can be used for teaching the differences between the Petrarchan and Shakespearean sonnet forms.

A court found Major Charles Brazelle and Lt David Roos not guilty of ordering their squads to use excessive violence against anti-apartheid protesters during riots before parliamentary elections last month.


The poet in the more restricted sense uses language as his medium.

Our record uses technology as an integral part of the songwriting and the whole artistic endeavour."


Katarina Witt se rêvait ainsi : les patins sur la glace, mais la tête bien au-delà de ses enjeux, se servant des compétitions non pour retremper sa légitimité de sportive, mais comme d'un porte-voix.

Pour ses fils dans le malheur, comme tout serait, maintenant, clair et simple, n' étaient les démons intérieurs qui s' acharnent à les diviser et le mauvais génie qui pousse l' étranger à se servir de leurs querelles. (de Gaulle in Frantext)

On se sert de ces vérités pour nous incliner à la résignation ; elles justifient surtout le désespoir. (Yourcenar in Frantext)


Se servant de son métier comme d'une couverture, et de ses relations dans le monde hospitalier, il suivait la piste des trafiquants. (Carrère in Frantext)



 Seen this way, the collapse of Christendom is a blessing for Christianity, and the present crisis of faith may be the best opportunity in centuries, at least for Christians in the West. To use this opportunity fully we must stop the severe haemorrhaging of faith among believers, we must work towards a clearly discernible Christian mind, and we must carefully answer the questions and objections of our contemporaries.
These examples of how the law may be used both by and against the peace movement point to the ambiguous and contradictory nature of the law itself, and the relationship between law and the peace movement generally.

I hope we can use the occasion to brief our potential witnesses and to meet local Newport petitioners on whose behalf you are acting.
The challenge is therefore to use the opportunity afforded by expansion to restructure the existing EEC along looser and more liberal lines.
Even when this was not the overt purpose, research results have been used to justify particular aspects of women's subordination: thus even today it is sometimes said that girls don't become engineers because they lack spatial ability, or that their relative lack of aggression makes them less effective leaders.
The cigarette companies used this to justify tobacco advertising: they have maintained that, to reduce average tar yields, new brands will have to be introduced (despite the fact that substantial changes have already been made to existing brands by simply altering their yields) and advertising will be needed to make the public aware of these new brands.

“I believe passionately in the future of this industry but what chance have we got when an avaricious few are using it for their own crazy purposes?”
Mr Uppal says much the same about the council and the SMG: “They are using racial harassment for their own ends.”
It is also argued that it is inconsistent with human dignity that a woman should use her uterus for financial profit and treat it as an incubator for someone else's child.

He also hinted that a conference expected next year to amend the EC treaty to achieve monetary union should be used for a more fundemental rewriting of the EC constitution.

National Westminster denied that it had used the election as a cover.
Little was done to halt mass pro-Iraqi demonstrations on the West Bank and Gaza Strip; instead they were used as evidence of Arafat's close links with Saddam Hussein's "terrorist" state.
Because of the success of The Making of the English Landscape people who had no interest in the countryside have read the book and been inspired by it. But others have used the book and particularly this chapter as an authoritative statement that most hedges are modern and thus do not constitute a serious loss if they are removed to accommodate modern agricultural techniques.
That will leave the Secretary of State for Energy free to do as he pleases: to follow the precedent set by other ministers in the present government by casting aside the inspector's advice on the grounds of national need; or to use the report as a “don't blame me” rubber stamp for the project.


La somme était minime, ma mère continuant à se servir chez les artisans, mais je ne l'avais pas. (Memmi in Frantext)




Het cijfer drie is onlosmakelijk met Sinterklaas verbonden. De legenden vertellen dat hij bijna alles drie keer deed. Hij las drie maal dezelfde teksten voor, hij hief steevast drie maal het glas, hij bediende zich tijdens de maaltijden drie keer en... volgens kwatongen mocht de goedheilige man zelfs drie keer vrijen per nacht, want Sinterklaas komt uit een tijd dat de celibaatsverplichting voor geestelijken nog niet gold.  (http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/edison/Archief/Wat/Evenementen/Feestdagen/Sint/Sint.htm)


Marijke bediende zich rijkelijk van de gebakken paprika's. Helaas bleken het pepers te zijn: BRAND! Blussen dus,met veel water.( www.volksdansvlissingen.nl/www/clubblad/0310misstap.pdf )



Le père se servit en disant, comme il faisait à chaque repas : - Dire qu'on appelle ça du fromage ! (Clavel in Frantext)