Achteraf gezien had ik me op voetbal moeten richten. Daarin is aardig te verdienen.
Het zou de spelers strelen als ze in Amerika goed kunnen verdienen.
In de Bundesliga kunnen de heren een salaris verdienen van ongeveer twee ton per jaar.
Een eerste piloot verdient er 27.000 gulden per maand.
Ze verdient zelf behoorlijk geld, dus waarom zou ze ook nog eens een bruidschat moeten betalen.
Vorig jaar werd netto 343 miljoen gulden verdiend.
Vreemdelingen die niet hun kost kunnen verdienen mogen niet terugvallen op collectieve voorzieningen.
Hij verdient een stuk minder.
De overheid bepaalt wat en hoeveel een tandarts aan een patiënt mag verdienen.
Stern zal aan het boek in totaal drie à vier miljoen hebben verdiend.
Het is zeer de vraag of Nedlloyd ooit echt iets zal verdienen aan het landtransport.
Waarom willen de rechtse blanken wèl verdienen aan de zwarten in Standerton maar ze niets geven, zelfs geen stemrecht?
"Bemiddelaars" verdienen flink aan de illegalen, die vanuit het buitenland naar Nederland trekken.
Fotograferen deed hij om er geld mee te verdienen.
Geen van die distributeurs, onder wie er schatten verdienden met films van Fellini, achtte de film destijds lucratief.
Nedlloyd verdient vooral met bezuinigen.
On peut gagner gros, mais quand la conjoncture se retourne on peut y perdre sa chemise, souligne un analyste d'une firme concurrente qui souhaite garder l'anonymat.
Après avoir fait nos calculs, nous avons réalisé qu'avant la guerre nous gagnions plus que la moyenne française.
En 1987, la BankAmerica perdait 1 milliard de dollars, elle en gagnait plus de 1,1 deux ans après.
Les managers sont faits pour gagner de l'argent, dit avec un solide bon sens Victor Ikpeba.
Elle rencontre Aiden [...], un artiste raté qui, pour gagner sa vie, livre clandestinement des films pornographiques.
"Je gagne bien ma vie avec ce travail", proclame notre homme, qui a dû construire une distillerie, et embauche trois jeunes chaque année, pendant un mois et demi."
Le problème est qu'à force de tirer à boulets rouges sur les Arabes, le Marseillais qui gagne ensuite de l'argent avec eux ne le dit pas.
The repayment of loans for our US professional women was much less of a burden than we might have imagined, with relatively small repayments, at low interest rates, staggered over a long
period once women were earning.
"Now that I'm earning again, I want to invest in some good quality, classic outfits," said Pamela, whose standard work clothes were drab navy skirts teamed with various coloured
The pressure of work, the need to earn, the pressure of family and children, the disappointment of new partners are only too real but do not say, "I only have strength to carry on this
path I am treading."
I know I can always do something to earn a living.
It's estimated that over ten million people now earn less than the Council of Europe's decency threshold for wages.
Is that all you earn?
While Patsy was proud of her dad for what he provided, she was sad that not every dad had a job, and that some didn't earn very good wages.
Stan started to sell his fossil finds to the museum and with the money he earned he was able to buy tools and a microscope which gave him a further insight into the subject.For exporters
who price their exports in foreign currency, a fall in the exchange rate will mean that they earn more pounds per unit sold.
A high cost of capital is a signal that investors do not trust banks to earn a reasonable return on their money at a reasonable risk.
To ensure that it earns maximum profit, the firm must only employ workers who add more to revenue than to cost.
I'm from the countryside and have always earned my living from it.
She had earned a great deal of money from her swimming, which she then used to set up the Mercedes Gleitze Homes for Destitute Men and Women.
The pros play in the par-three for fun, to give something back to their public in return for the millions of dollars they earn from golf.
Namibia plans to earn an annual total of over £600 million from fishing.
Our helpful estate agent threw details of every conceivable abode at us, hoping to earn from both ends.
One concern must be the impact of tighter regulation in Britain on the City's ability to sell services and earn from them.
Some money was earned from the sales of the harmonies.
Such was the `psychic capital" to be earned from investing in football.
The interim SII report will spell out the new powers that the commission will shortly have at its disposal, including higher penalties (currently 1.5% of the profits earned from operating
a cartel).
Militairen verdienen respect voor hun bereidheid het vuile werk op te knappen.
De door politici en opiniemakers vaak verguisde en gekleineerde Nederlandse vakbeweging verdient hier een pluim.
Natuurlijk meent de trainer dat Cocu een kans verdient.
Televisiejournalistiek verdient zijn eigen analyse.
Zij verdienen bescherming.
Vooral de positie van jonge kunstenaars en nieuwe gezelschappen verdient aandacht.
Ieder land krijgt de satire die het verdient.
Het meest hadden we medelijden met Djiele, omdat die zo’n lieve sukkel was en beter verdiende.
De gemiddelde voetbalfan die een vrije trap van Koeman koestert als een koraal van Bach verdient beter.
Denken de meeste mensen dat ze het verdienen dat ze mislukkelingen zijn?
Het familieleven verdient dat men er alle aandacht aan besteed, het is een gave van God.
Schurink zei dat een tunnel of een rotonde voor hem principieel niet veel verschil maakt als de oplossing maar voldoet aan eisen van verkeersveiligheid. Het karakter van de plek verdient
dat dit op een of andere manier wordt benadrukt, bijvoorbeeld door een grote boog of een ander kunstwerk, zo opperde hij.
De zonde op mijn hoofd heeft mij van mijn verstand beroofd. Verdien ik dood te zijn? Misschien, misschien. O pijn. Misschien is er wel reden.
Politieke dilemma’s moeten verhelderd worden, de gevoelens van de betrokkenen verdienen het om serieus in kaart gebracht te worden.
Voor jou verdiende - en verdient, neem ik aan - alleen de Szichenyi-brug het als een kunstwerk te worden beschouwd.
Hitler is sinds 1945 dood, en dat hoort zo te blijven. Een dode tiran verdient het niet, vandaag nog invloed te hebben.
"It's time they earned their wages!
"She earns her keep and more.
I'll say this much, the boy's earned it.
They have earned their rest from work.
You feel you've earned that glass of wine, and the chance to let your hair down with friends, husband, lover or family over a good meal.
To earn a team place requires, primarily, supreme skill.
While his superstar peers make records with one ear cocked in anxious deference to pop currency, Prince alone behaves like an aristocrat, squandering the success he's earned rather than
consolidating the estate with cautious measures.
Considering the technical complexities required, televised science fiction has frequently earned less than proportionately balanced critical response.
Remember, you have to remain sociable; staring at people is the quickest way to earn a free bed in the local hospital.
He earned his name because of the expression on his face.
I was very proud of the reputation I had earned for exactness on timing.
Now, the Talleyrand-Perigords have, as their name implies, been mighty lords in Perigord since the early Middle Ages, and in the early poem "Near Perigord" Talleyrand is one of the
powerful and menacing neighbours whom Bertrand de Born has to play off one against another, thus earning (so Pound's poem suggests) the title which Dante gives him in the Inferno, "sower
of strife".
Perhaps it was one of those impetuous decisions that were always earning me reproaches, but it was also a logical step because of my interests.
The teaching of deaf children by oral methods alone was not new; the earliest teachers of the deaf such as Dr. William Holder and Dr. John Wallis tried it in the 1660s with (as evidence
shows) far less success than they wrote about in the publications which earned them fame.
A Peter Daynes header in the 80th minute earned Shottermill a reprieve in this fiercely contested quarter-final between two well-matched sides.
Being by Sharpen Up, a proven "sire of sires", Sure Sharp would only need a bit more Pattern success to earn himself a place at stud.
RONALD REAGAN'S ability to escape blame for his frequent lapses from even basic competence earned him the nickname "the Teflon President".
It is a handsome plant, one of the tallest of the umbelliferous herbs, with a strong distinctive, celery-like flavour which has earned it the name of the "Maggi" herb in
They were an excitable, argumentative pair, and their habit of venting their frustrations in public earned them the sobriquet "Frisky and Bitchy".
Britain's role in the Berlin air-lift earned her the accolade of a staunch and like-minded ally.
She once went for a policeman with her stilettoes as he tried to bundle a black man into a car outside a dance hall on the bottom of the Tottenham Court Road (derogatory remarks in that
department were still more likely to earn a black eye than a black look in The Bar).Successful completion earns a certificate.His contribution, which earned "loud applause", was forceful
and dismissive of the Commission's recommendation.
Since dancing cannot earn them a living, Chela and Urna are into self-help, and it is as humiliating in personal terms as any perceived national, cultural subservience to the
In an attempt to prevent any further loss of the country's mangroves, Ecuadorian environmentalists are calling for strict control over the expansion of shrimp farming, a key export
industry which earns Ecuador half a billion dollars a year in foreign exchange.
Britain's 27-year-old new boxing hero now meets Holyfield or Riddick Bowe in the spring for that title— a clash it is estimated will earn him £4 million.
You know that money earns interest in the bank, but how do you work it out?
Perot was furious; instead of chasing chimeras, his money could have been earning interest in the bank.They also returned to the now thorny question of redeeming the(devalued) bonds (the
new bonds earned two-thirds more interest) and suggested opening a special fund.
He cannot see why cash which has earned him monthly interest running into five figures should be squandered for the sake of a perceived way of life that is now beset by escalating
economic and political pressure.