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voir aussi: se renseigner



'(iemand) op de hoogte stellen (van iets), opheldering geven' 

'fournir des informations' 

'to give somebody facts or information about something, to tell somebody' 

NP ___ NP[h] (over/omtrent NP) 

NP ___ NP[h] dat Pfin 

NP ___ NP[h] wh Pfin 

>>> 2. 

>>> 3.

NP ___ (NP[h]) (sur NP) 

NP ___ (NP[h]) que Pfin

NP ____ NP wh Pfin

>>> 2. 

>>> 3. 

NP ___ (NP[h]) (of/about/on NP) 

NP ___ (NP[h]) that Pfin 

NP ___ NP[h] (of/about/on/as to) wh Pfin 

NP ___ NP[h] to Pinf2 

NP ___ NP[h] (of/about/on/as to) wh to Pinf2 




voorbeelden - exemples - examples


Vervolgens heb ik de pers ingelicht over de stand van zaken.
De Westerse partners in het consortium waren van tevoren niet over de deelname van Iran ingelicht.
De drie informateurs hebben vanmorgen de koningin uitvoerig ingelicht omtrent de voortgang van hun werkzaamheden.
De bonden gaan de komende dagen het personeel inlichten.
Toen de politie eenmaal was ingelicht, konden de daders gemakkelijk worden gepakt.
Zelden: "aangaande NP": iemand inlichten aangaande iets (Van Dale)

Ouders van de arrestanten stonden doodsangsten uit totdat ze telefonisch door een "stem" werden ingelicht dat hun zoons zonder opgave van redenen "in administratieve hechtenis" zaten.
Het schijnt dat de gaande man veertien dagen geleden onder vier ogen zijn opvolger had ingelicht dat de keus op hem was gevallen.

Pas na het WK zou hij de betrokkenen inlichten, waarom hij de ploeg in de steek heeft gelaten. Bondscoach Advocaat was verrast.


Plus grave est l'aveuglement des agences de rating. Leur métier est d'analyser de près les comptes des entreprises pour les noter et renseigner les créditeurs potentiels sur la qualité du placement.
Par ailleurs, trois services sont offerts dans les 5e, 12e et 15e arrondissements pour renseigner les familles et les retraités sur les allocations, les services et les structures destinés aux personnes âgées dépendantes.
Mais ils accentuent aussi la désertion des lieux, intensifient l'attente et provoquent une angoisse qui cesse avec la fin du mouvement de caméra, lorsqu'elle parvient enfin à trouver Nat et à nous renseigner sur son humeur.
Les gens veulent être pris en charge. Il faut les renseigner, les orienter, rompre leur solitude.
Le Centre d'information civique, association créée en 1960, a pour mission de renseigner les citoyens.
Son film substitue ainsi à l'image qui se dérobe le moindre élément susceptible de nous renseigner.
Ce succès, observe Pierre Marchand, créateur de la collection, ne nous donne aucun droit mais beaucoup de devoirs : toujours mieux dire, mieux renseigner, mieux montrer sans oublier la poésie et le beau.
Le Monde doit donc exiger, avec les autres journaux, que les chaînes de télévision renseignent à ce sujet.
Dès la "sortie des urnes", ce sont les sondages qui font de nouveau foi, malgré les erreurs grossières d'avant scrutin et comme s'ils renseignaient plus finement que le décompte de nos bulletins.
L'étude régulière des programmes d'alliances et d'acquisitions des cinquante plus importantes sociétés de chacune des régions de la "triade" [...] au cours des six dernières années renseigne sur les facteurs structurels de succès ou d'échec.
Des documents historiques renseignent cependant sur la façon dont un Saint Saëns [...], un Arthur Nikisch (né en 1855) et bien d'autres interprètes nés avant la mort de Liszt, jouaient leur musique ou celle de compositeurs dont ils furent parfois les élèves.
La liste des compositeurs chantés par Los Angelès renseigne sur l'étendue du répertoire de cette mezzo soprano dont le timbre peut être qualifié de fruité, de céleste... de fabuleux.

Je sais donc parce que j'ai des amis qui continuent à me renseigner qu'il va sortir tous les mois un cadavre du placard...

Mais Gilles Rombaut était un plaisant coquin. Il avait vu le monde, ayant fait le colportage et la guerre; son intarissable bavardage renseignait Zénon sur ce qui se disait ou se faisait en ville.


Inform them, in complete confidence, of any suspicions you have of people breeding dogs on unlicensed premises (where more than two bitches are kept for profit).
The Left in the Labour Party use the House to register their protests against Right-wing members and measures, whichever party is in power, though many of them consider that once this is done on the floor of the House and the outside public has been informed of their dissent, they will support their leaders in committee and in the division lobbies.
While the politicians see PEBs as a device for party propaganda, the broadcasters see PEBs as a platform for parties to inform the electorate by stating their case rather than chanting their slogans.
When consumers are not perfectly informed, additional problems arise. It must be clearly stated, however, that few other governments had, since the summer of 1989, made a point of informing either their national Parliaments or their people about the preparations for the inter-governmental conferences or about their progress.
Written as a journalistic offering without benefit of references or even a bibliography, it still manages to inform the reader on many of the internal features of Saddam Hussein's rise to power, though it has an infuriating tendency to dart back and forth over the past 30 years, too much like a 1960s film trying to be clever.
Once policy had been hammered out - and sometimes before it had - there were also a whole series of committees with representatives from the regions who needed to be consulted and informed on the views of headquarters.
Business analysis should be looked upon as a two-way exercise - an opportunity to inform, help and convince, as much as an opportunity to find out about the organisation.
The ship was full of voices, informing, instructing, cajoling, declaring, endorsing.
Among the many items the Group offers are corporate health programmes designed to suit any company's requirements, advice on incorporating fitness equipment, training programmes and seminars and guidance on the best software to buy to inform on exercise and nutrition matters.
The role of women's publications is not only to inform about products, events and issues of interests to both women and men, but to discuss styles of living.
If there is no response after two such reminders a letter is sent to the general practitioner informing of non-response and asking for information.

"You mean it simply didn't cross your mind to inform me yesterday that you have no insurance?"
Patrick Jenkin, as Conservative Social Services Secretary, more recently described how he had been reliably informed that `the increasing turbulence of modern life, with rising crime, industrial disruption, violence and terrorism, was rooted in the separation of children from their parents during the war".
"Everyone says her extensions are spectacular", Claire informed me.
"We're 'aving Irish stew an' suet dumplings for supper tonight," informed Ella.

At the start of your course you will he provided with a schedule informing you how many assignments you will be expected to do, with the dates for them to be handed out and collected in.
The procedure simply divides the field into horizontal or vertical strips numbered from the top or bottom and informs the user in which strip the test card's edge lies.
It would deny our better schools informing parents on how they were doing.
Then Napoleone Lomellini came, and informed them succinctly of what had happened, and left. The report suggests that individual products could be labelled to inform the public about how much electricity the appliances consume.
Publicity was given to academic investigations whilst journals and organizations attempted to direct film-going by informing potential audiences as to which films they should attend and which ignore.

"Fignon was informed in time to have a second test done," Alaphilippe said.
So rather than cause an incident there and then, I informed my partner to follow them back to wherever they went.

There were signs and so on, saying Restaurant and Ticket Office and Telephone, and informing passengers where to change for their onward journey, and a clock.
The Indonesians wanted to start within a month, but Douglas-Hamilton and Child urged them to consider delaying it so that the army could do a pilot run and the local people could be better informed about what to expect.
It was claimed that most Hungarian citizens were either not informed of how to purchase the shares or could not afford to do so, and that the bulk of the issue had gone to former party bosses or to foreign institutions.