© Contragram
Click on the underlined numbers to see examples of the patterns (then use the "back" button of your browser to return to the patterns).
Click on the underlined verbs to follow references to other lemmas.



zie ook: zich verklaren


voir aussi: se déclarer


see also: declare oneself


'iets zeggen (als) in een officiële context'

'dire quelque chose (comme) dans un contexte officiel'

'to say sth (as) in an official context'

>>> meedelen

NP ___ NP C2voor gek /
>>> bestempelen

NP ___ (aan/tegenover NP) dat Pfin

NP ___ Pinf1

>>> 2.


NP ___ NP C2

NP ___ (à/devant NP) que Pfin 


NP ___ Pinf1

>>> 2.

NP ___ NP

NP ___ NP C2

NP ___ (to NP) (that) Pfin


>>> 3.

NP ___ NP (to NP) to Pinf2


'een reden zijn voor, een
verklaring inhouden voor' 

'être à l'origine de' 

'to be a reason or explanation for sth'

NP ___ NP

NP ___ dat Pfin

NP ___ wh Pfin

>>> expliquer

>>> expliquer

>>> expliquer

>>> explain

>>> explain

>>> explain


'iets uitleggen, een verklaring geven, duidelijk maken, toelichten'

'dire quelque chose à quelqu'un de façon à ce qu'on comprenne' 

'to make sth clear or intelligible, to give a reason for sth' 

NP ___ (aan NP) NP (uit NP)

>>> expliquer

>>> explain


'een stand van zaken erkennen of doen onstaan door middel van een officiële beslissing'

'reconnaître ou créer une situation par une décision officielle'

'to officially recognize or create a situation by pronouncing it to exist or be the case'

>>> afkondigen


NP ___ NP (tot) C2

>>> beslissen / oordelen

>>> uitroepen / beslissen / oordelen

NP ____ NP (à/contre NP) / >>>> décréter

NP ___ NP (comme) C2

>>> juger

>>> 2.

NP ___ NP


NP ___ NP C2

NP ___ that Pfin

NP ___ NP Pinf2


'uitdrukking geven aan een intentie of emotie'

'exprimer une intention ou une émotion' 

'to express an intention or an emotion'

NP ___ zijn liefde aan NP /
>>> (uiting/uitdrukking) geven

NP ___ NP à NP

NP ___ NP (to NP)


'een feit ter kennis brengen van de competente overheid'

'informer officiellement une autorité d'un certain fait'

'to report a certain fact to the proper authorities'

>>> aangeven / opgeven

>>> aangeven / opgeven

NP ___ NP (à NP)

NP ___ NP comme C2

NP ___ NP (to NP)

NP ___ NP as C2


'officieel beslissen dat een bedrag zal worden uitbetaald'

'décider officiellement qu'une somme d'argent sera payée à quelqu'un'

'to officially decide that a sum will be paid out'

>>> vaststellen / declareren

>>> proposer

NP ___ NP


'zich voor of tegen iets uitspreken'

'prendre parti pour quelqu'un ou quelque chose'

'to say that one is (not) in favour of sth/sb'

>>> uitspreken

>>> se déclarer

NP ___ for/against NP



NP ___ de oorlog aan NP

NP ___ forfait


NP ___ la guerre à NP

NP ___ war on NP

NP ___ one's hand



voorbeelden - exemples - examples


Hij haalde zijn vader over om de campagne 'Toys for guns' in New York te beginnen. Voor een veiliger Amerika, met minder wapens en minder geweld. Veel mensen verklaarden de bedenkers voor gek. "Wie gaat nou z'n wapen inruilen voor een speelgoed-bon van tweehonderd gulden Niemand toch", zeiden ze.
Toen hij bij de uitgeverij begon, verklaarden zijn vrienden hem voor gek.

Onlangs verklaarden twee politiemensen uit Arkansas dat zij vrouwen moesten recruteren voor de toenmalige gouverneur.
Heldring nam de gelegenheid te baat om nog maar eens te verklaren dat universitair onderwijs en democratie niets met elkaar te maken hadden.
Met nadruk verklaart hij dat er geen sprake is van een conflict of ruzie.

Woordvoerders van de officieren verklaarden gisteren: "Wat ons betreft moeten de militaire betrekkingen op een zeer laag pitje worden teruggebracht."
"Maar groei is moeilijk," verklaarde Eustace gisteren.

Maar dat Faroek Özgünes, van Turkse afkomst, zo'n schitterende beurt maakte, dat was voor Jan Hoet de gebeurtenis van de avond. ,,Dat grijpt mij aan'', verklaarde hij aan iedereen die het horen wilde.
Tijdens de sociale top verklaarde Juppé tegenover vertegenwoordigers van de overheid, de vakbonden en de werkgevers: ,, Ik ben me er volledig van bewust dat er tussen ons meningsverschillen zullen blijven bestaan, maar laten we, tegenover onszelf en tegenover het Franse volk, de wil tot uitdrukking brengen dat we door onderhandelen een oplossing zullen vinden.''

Inmiddels heeft de Spaanse regering bij monde van vice premier Serra verklaard niet bevreesd te zijn voor mogelijke onthullingen van de vroegere politiechef.
Het Afrikaans Nationaal Congres (ANC) heeft in het verleden verklaard tegen de doodstraf te zijn.


Repoussant la thèse de l'erreur, de la mauvaise manipulation, il déclare "dangereux" un ou plusieurs employés de l'établissement, où les "brimades psychologiques, les injures, les vols" seraient assez fréquents. 60 % la [la manifestation] déclareraient justifiée, alors que 33 % ne le penseraient pas.

Avec un objet infinitif:
Pour inciter les entreprises à embaucher, a annoncé le premier ministre, le remboursement par l'Etat aux grandes entreprises du décalage d'un mois de la TVA [...] sera "subordonné à la capacité de créer des emplois". Il a aussi déclaré possible de mettre en oeuvre des "mesures incitatives" pour créer des emplois "dans les services, comme les banques, les stations-services ou les supermarchés".

Dans la soirée de jeudi, l'un des avocats des Villemin, Me Marie-Christine Chastant, a déclaré que ces derniers, qui ont souffert de "débordements médiatiques" tout au long de cette affaire, "ne toléreraient aucune atteinte" à leur vie privée.
Le département de l'énergie a déclaré que 600 à 800 personnes avaient été soumises à des expériences de radioactivité potentiellement nuisibles et tente actuellement de localiser les survivants.
Barbara Hendricks a déclaré que, dès sa première répétition, elle avait été frappée par l'effet que la guerre exerçait sur la musique de ses accompagnateurs.
Interrogé sur l'affaire des Iraniens expulsés de Paris vers Téhéran, alors que leur extradition était demandée par la Suisse, M. Chirac a déclaré qu'il n'a "pas les élements pour porter un jugement".

L'Europe devrait utiliser l'unité qu'elle a su trouver dans le domaine commercial pour résister à la concurrence déloyale fondée sur de bas salaires, la sous-évaluation des monnaies et la destruction de l'environnement, déclare Edouard Balladur.
"Nous ne savons pas si l'incendie est accidentel, mais nous espérons qu'il n'était pas dirigé contre nous", a déclaré le rabbin Berel Lazar.
Et tandis que le président de la République se félicitait de ce havre de paix que l'Europe des Douze a su construire pour elle et protéger des turbulences extérieures, un homme d'Eglise dénonçait le scandale consistant à "avoir déclaré vingt fois : Arrêtez, sans jamais avoir ajouté : Si vous n'arrêtez pas, on cogne".

La procréation médicale assistée: en ce qui concerne l'assistance médicale à la procréation, Mme Veil a déclaré au Sénat qu' "il s'agit d'un sujet dont la portée éthique est considérable, [qui] engage, d'une certaine façon, l'avenir de l'espèce humaine.
"Je n'ose penser à quoi ressemblerait aujourd'hui le pays si, comme il y a quarante ans, une tempête avait soufflé à Noël [sur la mer du Nord] et si la Lune avait provoqué la vive-eau [des fleuves]", déclarait dernièrement, à l'Algemene Dagblad, Theo Smit, directeur de l'Union des Waterschappen, les organismes de gestion des bassins hydrographiques.
"J'ai dit au secrétaire général que je souhaite avoir une délégation de pouvoir dans des cas très précis, en particulier pour Sarajevo, et il me l'a refusée, nous a-t-il déclaré, mais je demanderai de nouveau."

Le ministre de l'économie espagnol, Pedro Solbes, a déclaré, jeudi 30 décembre, devant le Parlement que "les besoins immédiats" du Banco espanol de credito [...] atteignent 500 milliards de pesetas (20 milliards de francs).

Cet homme qui a "couru le monde plus que de raison" se laisse alors aller à une juvénile exaltation qui, par étapes, lui permet d'atteindre un état de profonde paix intérieure, où il rencontre la tentation de l'abandon. Il déclare vouloir passer sa vie à écouter cette paix.
Réagissant à ces propos, Walt Disney a déclaré avoir transmis au cabinet d'audit "toutes les informations qu'il jugeait utiles sur les finances d'Euro Disney, et rien de plus".


She was there to examine the children's heads and bodies for lice, injury, infection or disease. Her visits were a cause for much speculation and a great deal of dread because her power was infinite. In a single school term she had once sent to private sanatoriums as many as four boys and two girls with a weakness of the lungs. As many more were ordered to their homes with notes declaring the presence of head-lice.
The Department of Education and Science remains unwilling to declare its criteria for the recognition of overseas qualifications; one suspects that the decisions are not based on any defined criteria, when one considers that British degrees are recognised irrespective of the class and subject in which they were taken, whilst a first degree in a community language from an overseas university will not generally be recognised.

House Representative Sidney Yates (Democrat from Illinois), a fervent NEA supporter, declared Mr Frohnmayer "a victim on the altar of Pat Buchanan and the conservative wing of the Republican Party".
Feminist extensions of conventional psychological methodology often resemble more explicitly oppositional programmes for social scientific method. Wallston's (1981) proposal is an application of Bakan's humanist suggestions for sociological method, to psychology. Gilligan, too, declares her work an attempt to expand the humanist project in psychology.
This time the encounter is hurried over. It provides little more than a footnote to the account of the journey home. It seems to us so extraordinary, yet the storyteller does not blink an eyelid. Jacob sees the angels, declares them a company of God's army, and calls the place of his vision Mahanaim. That is all.
Once scheduled to run on DEC's MIPS machines, then on its MIPS and Alpha machines, OSF/1 has now been scrapped as far as the MIPS boxes go and declared Alpha-only meat.

A few years ago, the Reaganites surveyed New Zealand's record: democratic since its foundation; relatively civilised in its treatment of indigenous people; no civil wars; no attacks on neighbours; support in both world wars, Korea and Vietnam. All of this paled when compared with the crime of taking a position on ship-borne nuclear weapons, which displeased the administration. New Zealand was declared unfit to be an American ally and share in defence intelligence.
BOSNIAN Serbs called for a new peace plan for Bosnia after declaring the current one dead yesterday but Muslim-led government leaders said this meant the West no longer had any excuse to avoid decisive action.

BSDI's response to the amended suit, which was served last Thursday, was to declare it "totally without merit" and "another step in USL's harassment campaign."

Mr Gummer declared that a consultation paper is being drawn up in order to put regulations under an already existing Act before Parliament by the summer.
On 15 May 1943 representatives of the major resistance movements met in Paris to form a National Council of the Resistance (CNR — Conseil National de la Résistance), which immediately declared that "the people of France will never accept the subordination of General de Gaulle to General Giraud" and demanded "the rapid installation of a provisional government in Algiers under the presidency of General de Gaulle, with General Giraud as military chief".
THE Prince of Wales renewed his criticism of English teaching in schools yesterday and declared the English language had declined into a "dismal wasteland of banality, cliche and casual obscenity".
Herbert complained of heat and hardship, declaring that what he longed for most in the world was a marble bathroom with warm scented water and soft towels.
It is one thing to declare confidently that causal chains exist in the world out there. It is quite another thing, however, to find out what they are.
The whole point of a visit to Hong Kong now, five months after Tiananmen Square, should be to declare with royal authority that Britain shares the concerns of the Hong Kong people and is determined to do something about them.

Knowing only too well that she had committed herself, that she was in too deep now to change her story, she declared, "It doesn't make any difference whether you re-phrase the question or not, the answer's still the same."
"It's time for the mediocrity that has governed and dominated Nineties pop music to give way to a band that can deliver what it promises," declares Damien, the gold lamé-shirted singer and lead guitarist.
"I shall..." The old man intervened, "Yes? You'll what?" There was disgust in his voice and, much more humiliating, a suggestion of amusement. It was this that made David Miller bristle. "I shall flatly refuse to take him with me on my rounds," he declared. There! It was out. And he felt all the better for it.
"The refinancing secures the future operation of the Norsk Data group enabling it to continue as an independent and viable group. The uncertainty that up to now has surrounded Norsk Data's business is by this clarified," the company declared.
"My God, you've only been here a week, and already..." "I know all there is to know about you?" he finished for her. "It's a small village, Hilary; people — talk." "Gossip, you mean!" she declared bitterly.

On a sudden impulse she declared to her father that she was going out.
One of the singers from the theatre had stood in the doorway declaring to the crowd who had gathered to watch that the Grenfell and Morgan boot and shoe emporium was providing the best leather goods in town.
Adam, among his computers, reflected on the coypu man, whose bill he had later paid, but whom he had never seen again. Would the coypu man remember? And if he did would he be able to declare categorically to the police that Adam and Rufus and Mary had actually been living there?

"I DON'T care for life if I can't fill it with work," Annie Besant often declared to her friends.
"My lady, I shall say not another word on the subject!" she declared to Joan now.

Some philosophical writings on causation consist in good part in a somewhat numinous insistence on the distinctive nature of the causal items as against their effects — causes, for example, are declared to be "powerful particulars" or "forceful objects at work".
On the cover this week is Jimbo Kerr, lead singer with rising starts Simple Minds, whom we declare to be "serious dance music".
Fifty years after Ramsey's book a good judge of religious thought and literature during the twentieth century declared it to be an enduring masterpiece, which pointed forward to the road which Anglicans and not only Anglicans would follow.
Ciriaco De Mita, a former prime minister of Italy and once leader of the Christian Democrats, was declared to be under investigation for alleged extortion as probes into corruption continue.
The Group met for the first time in March 1974 with several proposals already before it. It decided to visit North East London Polytechnic, for example, but declared a Huddersfield proposal to be unacceptable in its present form.

Irina was wearing a blue-and-brown check low-waisted summer dress with pleats, which Alison had already declared to Franca to be "too smart, too old, and too expensive".


Maar die gendefecten verklaarden slechts 20% van alle familiale tromboses.
Dat verklaart veel van de hoge fabrieksprijzen.
Ten slotte, noteert Newman, is ook geen vulkaanuitbarsting waargenomen die de antarctische ozonaantasting kan verklaren.

Dat verklaart enigszins dat hun landgenoten zoveel armer zijn dan de armsten van een rijk land.

Dit verklaart mede waarom de recessie in Nederland, althans wat de groei betreft, wel meevalt.
Dit verklaart wellicht waarom de bouwnijverheid niet deelde in de malaise van de overige nijverheidssectoren.


Van Hanegem kan het hoe en waarom simpel verklaren.
Het gebrek aan positieve testen is te verklaren.
President Clinton verklaarde in een brief aan de Senaat zijn oppositie tegen deze resolutie.

De verkiezingsuitslag moet ook worden verklaard uit een afwijzing van de partijen die de rooms-rode coalitie hebben gedragen.
Ze verklaart de aantrekkingskracht uit de emotie die het krassen zelf oproept.

Een soefi-meester verklaarde aan een leerling echter slechts dat deel van het enneagram dat op hemzelf betrekking had; leerlingen kregen nooit de beschikking over de volledige kennis.


Senna raakte in een coma en werd vier uur na het ongeluk "klinisch" dood verklaard.
Alleen werknemers die voor ten minste twee-derde arbeidsongeschikt worden verklaard, krijgen voortaan een uitkering. 
Maar hij werd betrapt en zijn examen werd ongeldig verklaard.

Jericho was tot vanmorgen kwart voor elf tot gesloten militair gebied verklaard voor journalisten.
De op deze stillevens afgebeelde ruimte wordt door Bryson tot een "vrouwelijke ruimte" verklaard waarin de man niet vermag door te dringen.


En outre, il reste vague sur la présence de l'avocat pendant cette période de détention et accorde des pouvoirs illimités aux chefs de l'exécutif dans les régions, qui pourront désormais déclarer l'état d'urgence.
L'enjeu n'est pas de déclarer une guerre, qui déjà déshonore et dépeuple l'Europe, mais de l'arrêter.
Les révoltés ont déclaré "la guerre au gouvernement et à l'armée".
Si Monaco n'a jamais déclaré de guerre contre ses voisins, son gouvernement livre une bataille incessante contre les éléments naturels que sont la roche et la mer.

Le garde des sceaux a refusé de rétablir son nom d'origine. Il fait appel au Conseil d'Etat, qui déclare sa requête irrecevable.
Le Conseil constitutionnel n'a eu à prononcer que quatre annulations d'élections pour infraction à la nouvelle législation. Certes, il a dû, aussi, déclarer inéligibles pour un an six cent trente-trois candidats battus, qui n'ont pas fourni, comme ils le devaient, leurs comptes de campagne ; mais, outre qu'il s'agit de personnalités qui n'ont joué qu'un rôle négligeable dans la campagne électorale, c'est finalement assez peu sur un total de cinq mille deux cent cinquante-quatre candidats.

KENYA : Le président sortant Daniel arap Moi, au pouvoir depuis 1978, est déclaré vainqueur de l'élection présidentielle du 29 décembre 1992.

Sud-Marine, spécialisée dans la maintenance des moteurs Diesel marins, a été déclaré en liquidation judiciaire par le tribunal de commerce de Marseille, qui n'a pas attendu le délai de huit jours qu'il avait lui-même fixé le 3 janvier.

"Pourquoi, a-t-il poursuivi, devrions-nous faire aujourd'hui quelque chose qui revienne à déclarer comme déjà improbable le meilleur des avenirs possibles pour l'Europe […]."



In Sussex the statutory nature reserves, that is National and Local Nature Reserves, total 1,429 hectares, the first being declared in 1952.
When war was declared the Works lost many young men to the armed forces.
In the Republican zone, power remained in civilian hands and democratic forms were maintained until the end. In the areas controlled by the insurgents, by contrast, martial law was immediately declared and power was, from beginning to end, vested in military men.
Bernard declared "No Smoking" throughout; but Laura, pragmatic as ever, rather than countermanding him, simply had fifty ashtrays placed strategically around the château.

Her 80-year-old husband, Harry, had been declared mentally unfit to stand trial.
They went to court and tried, unsuccessfully, to have the 1976 Act declared unconstitutional.
The scallop beds at Pentland Firth, between Orkney and mainland Scotland, contained unacceptable levels of cadmium and were declared unfit for human consumption.
He told how, after his condition deteriorated badly, his son had been taken into the intensive care unit where he had been put on a life support machine. It had been switched off after two senior doctors had twice run tests on the patient before declaring him dead.
In 1859 he produced his last print "Dogs of St. Bernard", and in 1865 he was declared bankrupt.

In 1950, in a curious or consistent coincidence, Pope Pius XII declared the Archangel Michael patron of police — a decision that may well diminish the archangel's prestige in Latin America.
When in the "sick Chicken" case of 1935 the Supreme Court ruled against the act, declaring Federal code-making an unconstitutional interference with the authority of the separate states, Roosevelt made no attempt to revive it in a new form.
In the event of damage caused during a riot, it is essential that such claims are dealt with immediately as it is possible to obtain a recovery against the local Police authority. In England and Wales a claim must be lodged with the Police authority within 14 days of the incident being declared a riot.
The highest of the mountain ridges separated the headwaters of the Belpan and Makaa.On the high flanks of the ridge the thick canopy of the rain forest gave way to slender pines where clear streams plunged from pool to pool over granite boulders.From the early days of the Spanish invasion, the ridge had been logged commercially but now the major part of the pine forest had been declared a nature reserve.

Also on Dec. 2 Baker announced that he was appealing to the House of Lords against an Appeal Court ruling of Nov. 29 which had declared him personally in contempt of court over his decision in May to cancel the return flight to the UK of a deported Zaïrean citizen, although a High Court judge had ordered a stay on the latter's removal.

On a seller and buyer summons the court declared that the seller had not made a good title, and ordered the return to the buyer of the buyer's deposit on the equitable principle that it is a seller's duty to disclose fully and frankly in the contract any title defect.
The Judge declared that the defendants had behaved negligently and without due concern for the preservation of the Piazza.

Despite rich coal deposits, Mongolia lacks the spares and the skills to keep the mines running. The years of central planning had already produced food shortages in a country where livestock outnumber people by about 12 to one. Now the government has declared this to be the Year of Food. The aim is to encourage town-dwellers to grow vegetables on small plots of land — an idea reportedly inspired by the success of the vegetable patch in the British Embassy compound.
Finland was not an obvious candidate for the status of an oppressed nationality. Under a constitutional monarchy, the Tsar was Grand Duke, with a bicameral legislature. In 1917, the lower house, the Sejm, had an elected majority of Social Democrats (103 out of 200). On 5 June, it declared Finland to be self-governing in all matters except defence and foreign policy.
The priest was the only one who could declare a person to be healed from their leprosy.
If it shall appear that any person hath been tampering with any Witness, in respect of his evidence to be given to this House, or any Committee thereof, or directly or indirectly hath endeavoured to deter or hinder any person from appearing or giving evidence the same is declared to be a high crime and misdemeanour; and this House will proceed with the utmost severity against such offender.


Het gegeven mag bekend worden verondersteld: Don Filip verklaart zijn liefde aan Anna, die ook wel iets voor Don Filip voelt. Haar hand is echter al gegeven aan zijn broer, de nietsnut Don Giovanni.
Bij het zien van dit tafereel komt Bob, ontnuchterd door alle ontberingen, tot inkeer. Hij begrijpt opeens dat Annie, en niet Carmen, zijn tweelingziel is. In een meeslepende slotscène verklaart hij haar zijn liefde.


Cette fois, le jeune maçon profite du dernier jour de tournage pour oser déclarer son amour à l'une des villageoises, figurante comme lui dans le film.
Passionné d'automobile, surtout ancienne, il nous déclare, de manière quelque peu hésitante, sa flamme pour un vieux modèle au look suranné mais attachant.
A l'historien Jacques Le Goff, Debray déclare son amour pour l'histoire " réservoir et garde-fou du médiologue ", et sa gratitude aux Annales d'avoir " rendu l'histoire omnivore ".


Howard's performance also suggests that Higgins is an emotional cripple. Whenever the subject of sex comes up ("that thing", as he puts it), he becomes painfully embarrassed, while in the presence of his mother he behaves like a gangling schoolboy. This fine psychological portrait becomes especially poignant in the final scene, in which Eliza declares her affection for him and he, though deeply moved, is incapable of responding.
The use of prose for mockery in Much Ado about Nothing is so widespread as to make illustration superfluous. After the emotional upset of the church scene, with Claudio's mistaken denunciation of Hero, and her apparent death, it does not surprise us that when Beatrice and Benedick are alone they revert to their natural medium of prose. Yet, as they finally declare their love for each other — having been tricked into so doing — Beatrice asks one favour: It seems to me that the fact that this request comes in prose is a sign that it is not to be taken seriously, since it, too, like so much else in the play, is based on false appearances.
Byelorussian Premier Vyacheslav Kebich addressed the crowd and declared his government's willingness to negotiate, but his words were drowned out by jeers and whistling.
In the 1970s, the Financial Accounting Standards Board declared its intention to become involved.

The bride carried the roses ("I am worthy of you") mixed with white carnations ("pure love" according to some sources, "disdain" according to others, so it is imperative to synchronise your sources), edged with myrtle (more love — this stems from the Arabic tradition that Adam was expelled from Eden carrying a myrtle sprig plucked from the bower in which he first declared his love to Eve).
Having declared to Roderigo his true feelings about Othello, Iago later explains why he pays tribute to virtue: personal gain.
BRITAIN was yesterday accused of undermining international efforts to combat the greenhouse effect, as Mrs Thatcher flew to New York to declare to the United Nations her concern about the environment and reveal a number of British initiatives.
At the end of the play she had declared to Crowe her ambition to be an actress.


L'alerte ne pouvait pas non plus venir de l'extérieur: Ignace Mabassa, qui avait déclaré une fausse adresse en arrivant en prison, n'a reçu aucune visite de sa famille ou d'un avocat.

Julien Lepers, animateur de l'émission de France 3 "Questions pour un champion", poursuivi en justice pour ne pas avoir déclaré au fisc 1,3 million de francs sur ses revenus de 1987 et 1988, a été condamné, mardi 4 janvier, par le tribunal de Nanterre [...], à un an d'emprisonnement avec sursis et 150 000 francs d'amende.

Pour toucher le maximum d'argent, poursuit le document, beaucoup de maternités déclarent d'office tous les bébés comme étant au lait industriel, qu'ils soient allaités au sein ou non.
Pour éviter des difficultés avec l'inspection du travail, la direction a refusé de déclarer ces heures comme telles.
[L]e 5 août 1988, un camion transporte de la Fondation Arp à Meudon vers la Fondation Arp en Allemagne plus de 180 plâtres du sculpteur dûment déclarés comme des études de peu d'intérêt.


Have you anything to declare?
All tips are counted as part of your earnings and must be declared.
Former LDP Cabinet Minister Toshiyuki Inamura, who served as Director-General of the Environment Agency in 1986-87, resigned from the party on Dec. 26, a day before he was indicted on charges of tax evasion. The charges followed an investigation by the Tokyo District Prosecutor's Office into allegations that he had failed to declare profits of 2,800 million yen (US$1.00=135.622 yen as at Dec. 31, 1990) made on stock market deals conducted during his period in office.
If people receive income and do not declare it in tax returns, it will not appear on the income side, though expenditure will increase as the unrecorded income is spent on goods and services.
The results, announced at 2.30 a.m. on Friday morning at Winchester's Riverpark Leisure Centre, were as follows: Gerald Malone (Conservative party candidate) 33,113, Tony Barron (Liberal Democrat) 24,992, Peter Jenks(Labour) 4,917, John Browne(Conservative) 3,095. This meant that John Browne, MP for the constituency for the past 13 years and deselected by his party after failing to declare business interests, lost his deposit.

Packets (both Letter and Small Packet services) are liable to Customs examination and must be declared to Customs authorities on special forms.
Two problems quickly surfaced with the contract. One was that the principal Atra artist, Keith Hudson, began to express a wish privately to sign to Virgin direct, thereby increasing his own percentage. The second, and more fundamental one, was a suspicion of the Clarkes that Virgin were selling more records than they were declaring to Atra on their sales figures.
As the autumn advanced, food began to be short even in the Po valley, for the farmers and the owners of the caseifici had to declare to the authorities what they were producing.
Ekeus also indicated that Iraq had conceded "full, final and complete disclosure" of various other ballistic and chemical weapons programmes and had admitted to destroying up to 800 missiles not previously declared to UN inspectors— a move subsequently verified by Boothby on March 23.

Computer books (and, indeed, a vast number of other books on management) are bought not by individuals but by companies, who can declare such purchases as legitimate expenses, with all that the term implies tax-wise.


The group's turnover rose from £8.1 million to £9.66 million and a final dividend of 9p a share was declared.
The group declared an increased dividend (from 2.5p to 3.5p) on the back of these encouraging results, and Haynes shares jumped 15p to 288p.
The total value of his DOUBLE PAYOUT, in this case, would be only just short of £83,000! (Remember, too, that your policy continues to share in profits after you have received your payment, so the benefits your dependents receive will also be enhanced by all bonuses subsequently declared.) So, for a few pounds a month now, you could build up a very welcome nest-egg for yourself and provide financial protection for your family at the same time... and a second sum for your family when you die.


The Financial Times, which was slow off the mark in exposing Labour's tax plans and by declaring for Labour has shown itself to be as pink as its paper.
Early in June 1689 Edinburgh Castle, which had been held for James, surrendered, but Blair Castle, at Blair Atholl in Perthshire, eight miles [13 km] north-west of Pitlochry, had now declared for the Jacobite cause.
John Ashburnham and Christopher Lewkenor declared for Charles, Sir Thomas Pelham, Anthony Stapley and Herbert Morley of Glynde for Parliament.
The British Government had, by late autumn, begun to sense that the situation was hopeless and was veering toward an immediate withdrawal. Hamilton, asked for his views, advocated continuing the struggle and, in consequence, was recalled on 15 October. His replacement, Lieutenant-General Sir Charles Monro, who did not even bother to land on the peninsula, declared for evacuation.

Servia declared against mediation.
The Baltic fleet declared against the coup.


Zij zouden het zijn die de oorlog hebben verklaard aan het volk en aan iedereen die de eenheid steunt.



Le temps passait et le jeu se compliquait à plaisir, tandis que l'URSS s'effondrait lentement, que le Mur de Berlin se lézardait et que le " camp socialiste " que Marcus Klingberg avait servi se désagrégeait. Fin 1988, Vogel déclara forfait, en conseillant à Sylvia Klingberg d'écrire en dernier recours à Gorbatchev.

Une coalition hétéroclite, à participation socialiste, a pris leur place et déclaré à la corruption généralisée une guerre qui n'avait que trop tardé. Ils avaient déclaré la guerre au gouvernement et exigeaient la destitution du " dictateur " Carlos Salinas de Gortari.



DOWN in deepest Nesbitt Land, war has been declared on the mushy pea and the greasy chip.
He would track down the boardroom where the orders were issued, and he would declare all-out war on whichever Japcorp or state authority had been behind the singe.

In a book of this length it isn't possible to cover everything, so let me declare my hand right away: what interests me most is the brain.