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'(archaïsch, Belg.) tranen storten; huilen' 

'verser des larmes' 

'to produce tears; to cry'

NP ___ 

NP ___ tranen

NP ___ om NP

NP ___ van NP 

>>> huilen

NP ___ 

NP ___ larmes

NP ___ pour NP

NP ___ de NP 

à force de pleurer

NP ___ 

NP ___ tears

NP ___ (tears) for/over/at NP

NP ___ with/for/in/out of NP 

NP ___ NP C2


'bedroefd zijn over; bewenen'

's'affliger ou s'apitoyer'

'to feel or express sorrow for sb/sth; to bewail, to lament, to mourn'

>>> betreuren

>>> treuren / rouwen

>>> betreuren

>>> 2.

NP ___ sur NP

>>> 2.

NP ___ NP

NP ___ over/at/for NP

NP ___ that Pfin


'tranen stortend iets zeggen' 

'dire quelque chose en versant des larmes' 

'to say sth while producing tears

>>> huilen

NP ____ (à NP) que Pfin 

NP ___ (at NP) (that) Pfin 


'(van een muziekinstrument) schel gieren of loeien' 

'(d'un instrument de musique) produire un son semblable à celui d'une personne qui pleure'

'(of a musical instrument) to produce a prolonged crying sound'

>>> huilen

NP[nh] ___

NP[nh] ___





___ on each other's shoulders

___ into one's beer/soup






voorbeelden - exemples - examples


Krokodil, o zeg mij, waarom weent gij zo?
Ik ween als ik denk aan een scheurkalender waarin 5 december is vergeten.
Ik heb er met goede vrienden over gesproken, en we hebben geweend.
De dramatische dood van Yitzhak Rabin heeft ook ons in diepe rouw gedompeld. De wereld weende gisteren bij zijn graf.

ook oneigenlijk:
Regen... De hemel weent, en wij kunnen ook wel janken.

Slechts in Duitsland worden af en toe krokodilletranen geweend als er weer sprake van is dat oorlogsmaterieel uit de voormalige DDR.
Met name L. weende tranen met tuiten.

Allah weent om Algiers.
Het Hoorns Byzantijns Koor had zo op geheel eigen wijze “Ween niet om mijn moeder” (een Goede Vrijdag-liturgische zang) bewerkt.

Op de speelplaats vliegen twee leerlingen van de eerste klas elkaar in de haren. De ene heeft al een schram op zijn wang en weent van woede.
Laat die van kind en gezin maar zeggen, jij kent je kindje het beste! Als hij weent van de honger mag je hem voeden hoor, zeker in de groeispurt! 


Quand le petit Gargantua, d'abord éduqué par des précepteurs sophistes, c'est-à-dire des représentants de l'âge gothique, de la culture gothique, est confronté au jeune Epistémon, fruit de la culture nouvelle, il ne sait répliquer à un discours parfaitement dominé qu'en se cachant la tête dans son bonnet et en pleurant comme une vache: "Et ne fut possible de tirer de lui une parole, non plus qu'un pet d'un âne mort."
Comme ce ton d'attention et de gentille confidence qu'il prend, cette voix chaude, intime, rassurante. "Cécile, ne pleurez pas. Vous n'avez que cinquante-deux ans."
L'une d'entre elles pleure en évoquant une de ses amies, qui, après avoir épousé un Français, vit maintenant près de Bordeaux.

Je pris ma tête entre mes deux mains et pleurai toutes les larmes de mon corps.
Ils pleureraient des larmes aussi visibles que libératrices.

Pour Muriel, au contraire, il dit avoir pleuré.

Le jour de l'ouverture, je pleurais de désenchantement.
"Le jour de la naissance de l'Etat d'Israël, j'ai pleuré de joie. J'ai pleuré de tristesse."

Il serait de mauvaise politique lorsqu'on écrit dans un journal consommé par les élites ou dans une revue semi-pensante de se réjouir bruyamment de la démission des intellectuels, de la disparition de l'avant-garde ou de la perte de prestige de la littérature française. Mieux vaut se tordre les mains et en pleurer.


Mr Yarrow buried his face in his hands and began to weep.
As the woman was weeping, I asked if she cried often about this.
Mrs. Butler brought in the tea, and raised her eyes to heaven when she saw Jenny weeping again.

She broke down and wept bitterly when Wexford told her that that her husband's supplementary income had come from a criminal source.
Babs Osborne was now weeping quite loudly and her nose was running.
The goddess agreed, on condition that all living things wept in unison to prove their grief.

While I cuddled June I cried, wept hot tears.
At least she wouldn't have far to go home if the evening turned into an unmitigated disaster, with him weeping drunken tears and slobbering all over her shoes while he told her the sad story of his life.

Then I just sat on the floor and wept for Granny, and for myself.
“That's Our Lady weeping for your sins, Miss Claire,” their cook used to say when the heavens opened.

The women weeping over an open coffin in a Rowlandson drawing of c.1760 would have had more reason for grief had the merchandise not come up to their expectations ( Col. 6 ).
We have wept more over our sodden copy of The Way We Were than Streisand must have done on Robert Redford's last day of filming.

Martha felt ready to weep at the unfairness of it.
One night he had found himself chuckling at the merry escapades of Mr Pickwick; another night he had wept uncontrollably at the death of Little Nell.

"I wouldn't like to bet on this school's future," said Fenniway. "Nor me. And I wouldn't weep tears over it, either."
The old man had lost his hat, and wept tears of shame at his forced surrender.

Women wept with emotion and relief, flowers were thrown, cheering men were everywhere.
One night he wept with rage in the desert cold.
Sometimes I would wake up weeping with frustration and despair.

Had Katherine been able to forget the fear her mother instilled in her, she would have wept out of homesickness.

The poor old dentist wrung his hands and, weeping in despair.
Utterly sincere, he was near weeping in repentance.
Dinah was still weeping in bewilderment.

She could have wept for the agony of raw longing that burned through her.

Seeing the young woman hunched up on a crate, covered in chalk dust and weeping her eyes out, Biff Thacker was rather at a loss what to do.
When he had left, he had loved them desperately, and had hidden in the stifling furnace of his cabin for days, weeping himself dry.
Another woman, whose lover went back to his wife, wept herself to sleep every night for six months.
She wept into her hands, then felt utterly defeated, lying sprawled across the bed weeping herself into exhaustion until she lay still, staring at nothing, no tears left.


Le premier ministre se donne l'image d'un homme convenable, mais [...] est-il convenable de pleurer sur le sort des SDF quand on débloque les loyers en région parisienne, qu'on augmente les plafonds d'accès aux HLM et qu'on diminue les contrats emploi-solidarité?
SUR quoi, sur qui, pleure-t-on en sortant, hébété, du dernier film de Spielberg?


II.1.  rare
The headstone of a 2 year old moves the poet to observe: Two years! oh happy little life We cannot weep its early end; and he concludes with the familiar warning: The grave may open next for you !

She no longer wept over Robert, although it had been painful to hear that he had married Pagan.
It was just that after a weekend of weeping over Cameron, and two absolutely hectic days at the office with Helena now also down with chicken-pox, she felt like a bit of glamour.

I weep at the impending demise of my oldest and supportive friend!
All the time with other people she was acting, confident and charming; backstage alone, the pain in her eyes glared at her from a bright-lit make-up mirror, weeping at the tawdriness of it all, scorning costume and plot and witty script.

President Aquino, admitting that the death of Ferdinand Marcos had sparked a wave of sympathy for the late dictator, urged Filipinos to stop weeping for the man who had “laughed all the way to the bank.”
If Ethiopia falls apart, nobody outside will weep for it; nor, if it holds together, will any outsider pay the vast bill for putting it to rights.

The dead lay in rows under fans of palm and banana, so many dead the survivors had wept that they had been spared.
Julia managed to raise her hand and weakly pat Anne's face. “Don't be frightened, child. Trust in God,” she whispered through bloodless lips, and Anne wept that even now her mother was trying to comfort her.




[…] la tristesse s'apprend comme le reste, avec la vie, il faut du temps... le vieillard a la larme à l'oeil, chronique, il fait plus que pleurer... il pleure qu'on va le mettre en boîte et que tous les autres vont rester là à s'amuser...

Mignon dévala la pente et leur pleura qu'il avait vu quelque chose qui ne se mord pas. La cause de son chagrin traversa la prairie, les deux bras étendus comme si elle marchait sur un fil. Toute bronzée.


“Oh, Mam, Mam!” she wept.
The next time out with me he broke down and cried for Constance. “Her little... she has such little feet,” he wept. “Such pretty feet.” He was rather ridiculous.

Peter would like it; poor Peter, who had broken down in bed the night before, and wept that he had failed her, failed her as well as — but he couldn't actually articulate that.

Key words in the rise of The Smiths: LUCK: They wept at me virtually that they were told by Rough Trade, that they were a “minor Rough Trade” group.


C'est l'accordéon de Philippe Sevrain qui attaque, et tout du long il fera des merveilles, l'accordéon pleure un peu comme pour démarrer une complainte de marin à quai, puis se tait ; ...
Pour ce second album, le violon pleure toujours comme en Afrique du Nord, l'accordéon fait danser, mais la conviction n'y est pas.



George, wisely, didn't try to compete with guest Gary Moore and simply strummed his way through While my Guitar Gently Weeps as Moore's Les Paul sobbed inconsolably— but by then it was all over bar the cheering.
That music is the window to Jason's soul, that gently rippling, occasionally magnificent music with its brazen synth chords, its complex, geometric drum patterns and that methodical, weeping guitar.


The whole pretence about his future plans does not belong to relations between brothers, especially brothers who have just wept on each other's shoulders, and who have shown each other such surprising willingness for reunion.

The birthday spectacle must have made General Norman Schwarzkopf want to weep into his beer.
But while “Deliverance” was a 70's nightmare, exposing the soft-underbelly of the male ego and leaving the survivors weeping in their soup, “City Slickers” is a product of the new-man 90's, where the soft underbelly is a source of pride.